The Silence is Deafening

I saw an e-mail to Jim-bob recently but have seen no response. I got a phone call from Jim-bob some time ago but he never rang me up again. It’s hard to know where to reach Mr. Jim-bob these days so I was hoping, really hoping, that he might answer the e-mail and copy us all in on what’s going on. Geez, Mr. Bob, can you spare a dime? Got a free moment for a few of your fans and buds-fer-life? I guess we’ll hang loose and see what happens. We’ll hope for the best. Yes, we will. Isn’t that what we do best, Mr. Bob?

I don’t know why but I’m always trying to get the boys and girls in this household to turn off the lights when they leave a room. Dad had the same problem with the lot of us growing up and now I know what he went through. We were either heating the outdoors by leaving things open or we were enriching the local gas and electric company by leaving lights on when we weren’t there. I couldn’t appreciate it then but I sure can now. It’s deja’ vu all over again. So, I end up doing what dad did. I turn the damn things off myself. Don’t have a dog so I can’t kick him. I guess it’s true when they say that the more things change the more they stay the same.

Thanks a lot for the rain. How the bejeezus am I supposed to go for my bike ride in the rain? It’s not that I can’t ride in the rain but I clearly would rather not. I’m already dragging my feet here at 8:02 on a Sunday morning by not being out on the highway. I’ll put all my Sunday morning political shows on record so I won’t have to worry about missing anything. There is even a pretty good breeze kicking around so that will probably make my ride a difficult one at least on one leg of the trip if not both. It’s all that nasty shit coming up from Texas. I guess we can thank hurricane “Ike” for his contributions to the local weather today. I, for one, will withhold my applause until I get back from my bike ride.

The Ev man had a long day yesterday. He attended the Bar Mitzvah of a friend in the morning and evening and played his heart out in a soccer game in between which his team won handily. A parent of one of the players on the opposing team asked me where our boys were from and I told him. He responded, “they sure do grow big boys there.” A loose translation of his comment might go something like this; who do you think you are to come into our town and humiliate our lads? Here is a loose translation of my response: Suck it up, dude. Your team is toast. Most of the boys on the team spent the evening at the Bar Mitzvah party in downtown Portsmouth. Nancy and I dropped three of them off at the party a little after 8, including the Ev man. They were dressed to kill. With one win already under their belt for the day, testosterone was in abundant supply. Party down, dudes. This is your time.