Call To Arms

I'm old enough to remember when Biden paid Iran tens of billions of dollars to release five Americans being held in Iranian jails. I said at the time that the payments had nothing to do with the release of the jailed Americans. Biden was planning to enrich the Iranians prisoner release or no prisoner release. We know that because we know that Biden has done nothing to enforce Trump's sanctions that robbed Iran of monies during Trump's first term, which they would have otherwise used to export terrorism and fund their proxies like Hezbollah and Hamas. It makes me just a little curious now why Biden has done nothing to help the American hostages being held by Hamas. I'm not sure we even know how many Americans are being held hostage because the media simply isn't covering the story. Is it possible that Biden is working behind the scenes with Iran to release the hostages just ahead of the election in November? How devious is that? Team Trump needs to get out ahead of this.


This is some 3-D chess the Democrats are playing. Is it conceivable that the Democrats and their praetorian guard, the media, released this 13-year-old story about Governor Kristi Noem shooting her dog to try and take her out of the running for Trump's Vice Presidential pick? They must know that Trump is close to selecting his vice president, if he hasn't already, although I'm not sure when he plans to announce his decision. The Democrats have, no doubt, done their polling and decided that Noem would be a strong pick for Trump. Is it a coincidence that no sooner did we learn about Noem than we see stories about Trump sitting down with DeSantis, the governor from Florida? Hell, maybe none of this has anything to do with Democrats. Maybe it was Team DeSantis that put the Noem story in circulation and then cobbled together this last-minute meeting with Trump. Maybe DeSantis figures that this is the only way he gets into the White House in 2028. He's probably right.

Tesla stock is up around 10% in the pre-market this morning. Not sure what, if anything, it has to do with Musk's visit to China over the weekend. Their stock has not been doing well, so maybe this is just a countertrend in a longer-term downtrend. GM reported that they lose a good chunk of dough on every electric vehicle they sell. Rental car companies can't get electric cars off their lots fast enough. Nobody wants to either buy or rent them. I see Teslas on the road today, and I think of people buying a pig in a poke, chasing a fad, and now owning something that, if they had to do it all over again, they might not. Tesla stock, all else aside, being up early on today is probably a good sign for the financial markets today. We saw a strong move in the market last Friday, so today, if it turns out to be a good day, might be confirmation that this current countertrend we're in has further to go. Maybe it's not a countertrend at all. The pullback of five percent or more a week ago may prove to be nothing more than a shallow correction. We need a few more cards to come out of the deck.

The missus and I visited a local Ford dealership over the weekend. We've seen a number of Ford Broncos on the road lately and thought they warranted a closer look. Not that I would ever buy a Ford. American cars these days are, by and large, cheesy and cheap. The dealership had a half dozen Bronco's on their lot with a price tag in the $50k-$60k range. I like the design of the Bronco, but one look at the interior reminded me why I've seldom wanted to own one of my own. The cheesiness was off the scale. Maybe they think that by selling an "off-road" model, they can skimp on the bells and whistles and still get the price they want for the vehicles. Who the hell knows what they're thinking? You can actually get into a comparably priced Audi or Volvo for the same price and without half the cheesiness. How about one of Ford's F-10s, you ask? I don't get those either. Who wants to drive a damn tank around town that you can't get in and out of without a step ladder? Speaking of electric vehicles, I don't think I saw one electric car or truck on their lot. That's telling, to be sure.

Did you hear about the four or five US Marshalls getting gunned down in North Carolina? That is some tough business. I don't know who would want to be a cop these days with everything going on. I heard the story on the news and was just a little curious about who would do such a thing. You have to imagine that it takes a skilled marksman to do the kind of damage that we see in this case. Right? Is there an outside chance that the Marshalls involved didn't have proper training, or worse yet, they were DEI hires? I'd rather not go there if you don't mind. I see that the story made its way into the Daily Mail this morning. What struck me about the story both yesterday and this morning is that we have no photo of the shooter or shooters. What is that all about? Were they illegal aliens? Were they minorities? Had they been white nationalists, we'd probably have their pictures by now. That's just how our media rolls. Fast forward ten minutes. I've now done a page refresh on the Daily Mail, and I see that they posted a picture of one of the shooters. He is a black man going by the name Terry Hughes. According to the article, Mr. Hughes was a firearms felon. Not sure why it took them so long to post his photo. He's dead now, so the community can unlock their doors and go back about their business. As for the Marshalls, may they rest in peace.

I haven't paid a lot of attention to the news reports about students and faculty members on college campuses around the country protesting Israel's relentless bombing of civilian populations in Gaza. I agree with those who say that the country-wide protests look organized if for no other reason than they all use a certain type of tent in their encampments. Am I wrong in assuming that they are trying to pressure Biden and his corrupt government to force the hand of Netanyahu in Israel to cease and desist the indiscriminate bombing of Palestinians? Biden is supplying the bombs for chrissakes. It all seems so schizophrenic. I'm also probably not the only one uncomfortable with their seemingly vitriolic displays of hatred for Zionism, aka, the Jewish people. Where is Biden, and why has he not condemned the students? At a minimum, he should be speaking out about the antisemitic bent of the messaging coming out of these encampments. I also hate to see American college students buying into what can only be described as Hamas-like hate speech against Israel and the Jewish people. It's all so reminiscent of Germany in the late thirties when Hitler came to power. Where the hell is our FBI when you need them? They're busy infiltrating church groups and PTA meetings; that's where they are. C'mon, man.

The White House Correspondents' Dinner comes and goes every year around this time, and most people couldn't care less about it. It's typically just a bunch of fawning reporters and government groupies paying homage to their party leaders for one night out of the year. If I see any cuts from it in the media after the fact, I usually just change the channel. It's the same old tired characters, the same old tired jokes, and the same old back-slapping old fucks who attend year in and year out, no matter the party in power. After hearing about a few of Biden's comments this year at the dinner, I'm more convinced than ever of the symbiotic relationship between the leftist media and the Democrats. I've known forever that the leftist media is just another arm of the Democrat establishment and a vital one when it comes to putting out messaging for the Democrats or not putting out messaging when that's more appropriate, but this year is different. Biden's comments to his adoring and sycophantic audience were, in fact, a call to arms. Faced with polls worse than those Jimmy Carter experienced, Biden now, more than ever, needs his praetorian guard, the media, to prop him up and, more importantly, to take down his political rival, i.e., Donald J. Trump. It's not enough that he has Trump sitting in a courtroom and facing years in jail for a seven-year-old misdemeanor, which they hope to turn into a felony. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

There's another story out this morning about how Biden is flying tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into swing states. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. If they can't win elections outright, they steal elections. This is precisely what Biden and his Democrat Pary are doing. How is it possible that these states are planning to allow these non-citizens to cast votes in our federal elections? If I had to guess, the Democrats are working overtime to water down the requirements to vote so that anyone showing up at the polls gets to cast a vote. No voter ID is required. Come to think of it, Texas has been shutting down its borders, which effectively funnels all of the illegal aliens into Arizona, where the illegitimate governor, Hobbs, will look the other way while they cast their votes come November. Arizona, as you know, is a swing state. Pennsylvania is a mail-in ballot state, so stealing that one is pretty much a done deal. The Party in power decides who wins. Once again, advantage Democrats. It's a brazen move by a corrupt institution, the Democrats, but you do what you have to do to stay in power. Never mind that they are laying waste to our institutions and our culture in order to stay in power. Sadly, the tentacles of their corruption have made their way into our judicial system, making them complicit in the crimes being committed by the Democrats. America will never be the same.

How is it that I heard one report out this morning about several men wearing Palestinian scarves who surrounded a Jewish woman and then beat her senseless, yet I don't see that story anywhere else? You'd think that would be a big story in the whole Israel-Gaza storyline that has been unfolding on campuses across our country in the last week or so. Protests are one thing; violence is quite another. Is it time to start asking how many of these Hamas hate fomenters have come across our southern border in the last twelve to twenty-four months? Connect the fucking dots, for chrissakes. It gets worse. Now, Biden is talking about flying tens of thousands of Palestinians from Gaza into our country. It gets worse. He plans to give them more rights than they or any illegal alien deserves, including a path to citizenship. Over my fucking dead body, is what I say. Biden wants to bring the very same animals who committed the atrocities against the Israeli people on October 7th to our country. Is this Biden extending an olive branch to the Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan, and elsewhere in order to get them out to the polls to vote for his sad ass come November? Is Biden correct in assuming that he has the Jewish vote in the bag since they, by and large, vote blindly and passionately for Democrats each and every presidential cycle? Is it any surprise, given Biden's praetorian guard, the media, that we're not seeing this story about the men beating up the Jewish woman? At this rate, Jewish people will be demanding that they be allowed to vote using absentee ballots lest they be accosted on their way to the polls. #MissionAccomplished

My bike is five years old now. As bikes go, she's getting a bit long in the tooth. I was out for a ride yesterday, and my chain started slipping. I was literally worried that I wasn't going to make it up one of the hills in the final stretch of my ride. I envisioned that I might have to get off my bike and walk it up the hill, which, given how narrow that particular stretch of the road is, is perilous in its own way. Was the problem going to get even worse with time? Could I fix the problem myself? If I brought it in for a fix, how long would I be without my bike? I've only started to hit my stride in riding my entire route without making excuses for stopping short here and there these past few months. You know what they say about excuses. Everyone has one. I'm all about momentum this time of the year when it comes to biking, so let's just say this was an unexpected and unpleasant development. The good news is that the folks at Colonial Bike here in town gave me the bad news about just how expensive it was going to be to fix my problem. It will be cheaper to buy a new bike than to have the old one fixed. It's been five years since my last new bike, so I suppose it's time. Just file that under "The Lord works in mysterious ways."
The missus just called me to tell me that the Hummingbirds have arrived for the 2024 season here in the Northeast. They come every year at this time. I can't be certain that they are the same ones from last year, but if I had to guess, I'd say they are indeed the same Hummingbirds. Just to be clear, the missus called me from our bedroom. We have two feeders: One is outside our bedroom window, and the other is outside the room that I'm sitting in now. We mark the calendar every year when they arrive and when they depart. For the last five years or so, they've arrived every year on May 2nd. In anticipation of their arrival, I prepared our two feeders yesterday and hung them outside. Was there a chance that they might not show up at all? Yes, of course. Might they be late, and I'd be forced to change the sugar concoction at least once before they finally showed up? I suppose. The funny thing is, I left our bedroom window open last night just enough so that we'd hear the fluttering of the Hummingbird's wings before we ever laid eyes on them. That is precisely what happened this morning. Drink long and hard, my little friends. It's the very least I can do for you.

The missus thought I should take this new bike for a ride before I actually purchase it. Yesterday, when I took my old bike in to be fixed, I took a quick look around the showroom floor and found this one particular bike to my liking. It's the same kind of bike that I've been riding for the past 15 years or so, only a more recent model year. I'm big on basic functions when it comes to buying my bikes and less enamored of the so-called bells and whistles you get with more expensive bikes. I've never been one to ride the bikes with the skinny tires. They ride circles around me on the road, but I'm more of a tortoise than a hare in going from point A to point B. It's never been about getting there faster for me. I sometimes think that I get more out of my bike ride when I'm required to make more of an effort, which is where I end up when I'm pushing a bike with thicker tires. Maybe it's all in my head. Anyway, I think the missus is wrong to suggest that I take the bike for a spin before wheeling it off of the showroom floor. I don't say that often about the advice that she gives me now and then, but having said that, I think this time is different. Here's hoping, anyway.

Thanks for nothing, Jerome Powell. He's the Fed head who came out yesterday to give his little speech about interest rates and the likelihood of rate cuts or, God forbid, more rate hikes. I listen to none of it. I do, however, watch with great interest how the financial markets react to what he says. I also like to catch snippets of his speech, or at least the essence of what he said, on social media and in other news reports. That's my way of backing into what he said without feeling the full brunt of what may be a hawkish day of messaging on the stump for the head of the Fed. At 3 PM, the indices were spiking on something or other he said, and then, all of a sudden, a rug pull and a plummet. What the hell, Jerome? This is how it goes when the Fed head speaks. You'd think that at this stage in an election year that the Fed Head would be more accommodating. He wants to keep his job. Right? Maybe he wants to work for Trump. That would be bad news for Joe Biden. It would be good news for America. I give you nothing but the unvarnished truth here. Well, most of the time, anyway. Jerome did say something about stepping back a bit from the whole quantitative tightening thing so we should see a bit of liquidity making its way back into the market. That's never a bad thing for the stock market.

I never know if I'm supposed to take the Daily Mail seriously or not. There's an article in the Daily Mail this morning that says something about Joe Biden working with Walmart to lower prices ahead of the 2024 election. What the fuck is this? How stupid does he think the American people are? Does he think that Mrs. Garcia is going to come home from her shopping trip to Walmart and sing Joe Biden's praises after paying less than five dollars for a dozen eggs? I can hear her now: "Look, hon, eggs are below $5 a dozen at Walmart!" "Joe Biden is the fucking bee's knees!" "He's got my vote!" I have to believe that Walmart is thinking that if Trump gets back into office, and starts to ramp up tariffs against China, stores like Walmart will take it on the chin. It's no surprise to anyone that most of Walmart's inventory comes from China. No wonder they're willing to get into bed with Dementia Joe. It's all about the bottom line for Walmart and other retailers like them. They could give two shits that America is going to hell in a handbasket under Joe Biden's "leadership." They have stockholders to please, so they do what they have to do to not only survive but flourish. This is the power of the incumbency at its finest. I'm just not sure it's enough to overcome the last four years of sheer destruction wrought on America by the policies of Joe Biden.

I'm not sure what to think about all of these pro-Hamas protests on campuses across our country. I hear that the Democrats wish that they would go away. I think they think that they are not good for Biden and his re-election efforts. Are the protests just one more example of things going to shit under the Biden Administration? Or, is there something more nefarious going on here? Are these protests simply a primer for something else in the months ahead? Do all of these lawless activities make it more or less likely that people will go to the polls to vote for the Democrats in November? Is there something really twisted about the undercurrent of antisemitism coming out of these protests that somehow unites one or more factions wanting and willing to vote for Joe Biden in November? I'm talking about Dearborn, Michigan, here. Funny thing is, there are only a couple of weeks left before students leave their respective campuses for the summer. Was this a temporary firestorm, or witches brew if you will, of student unrest on campuses across our country concocted by Democrats in order to achieve a certain end result? Was it intended as a distraction? Something to take our eyes off the miserable economic times brought to us by Joe Biden? My eyes are wide open and I just can't make heads or tails of it. Not sure where we go from here.

People can talk all they want about the ridiculous Trump trial currently underway in New York City. They can talk all they want about how the judge should have recused himself because his daughter is profiting from the trial. They can talk all they want about how nobody even knows what Trump is being charged with here, as we are two weeks into this trial. None of it matters. When the time comes for the jury to do their thing, they are going to convict Trump. Not because they were able to determine his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, no sirree, Bob. They are going to find him guilty because that was their charge from the start. I don't know how they put twelve "unbiased" citizens on a jury who will then do the State's bidding no matter what the evidence shows, but Trump being the existential threat to our democracy that he is, you do what you have to do to get them to return the verdict you want. Anything and everything else is just noise. It makes for good television if you are a faithful follower of leftist media like CNN and MSNBC. You get to drink from the firehose of everything "Orange Man Bad" from sun-up to sunrise. The rest of us sane Americans have to hope that the higher courts can step in, and quickly, to right the Good Ship Donald before political rigor mortis sets in and the dye of a dying and defeated campaign is cast.

The dreaded bird flu is coming. You can just feel it. It's a government psyop operation in order to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president. Not a day passes by when there isn't an article in the news somewhere about the bird flu passing from animal to animal. One article I read suggested that the virus was finding its way into our food supply through infected cows and the milk they produce. Another article talked about cats that died after drinking milk from cows that had contracted the virus. I looked at a couple of photos online today of someone who contracted the flu virus and what it does to your eyes. To me, their eyes just looked bloodshot. I didn't read the article because I knew what the article was designed to do. I know the message they want to send. I know the fear they want to sew. One thing will lead to another and it won't be long before communities far and wide are recommending that we mask up for the health of the community. Of course, they can't have people standing in line at the voting places with a killer virus on the loose. Courts will mandate that we utilize mail-in ballots to cast our votes in the general election in November. Fake mail-in ballots are already rolling off the presses in Democrat shitholes from coast to coast. You can feel it in your bones. You know it's coming.

This Jack Smith classified documents case against Trump seems to be unraveling at warp speed. Judge Canon, the judge overseeing the case in Florida, has insisted on transparency from the start, and that has never been good for Smith's case. The unredacted versions of Smith's documents have revealed the Biden White House's involvement from the start. This case has entrapment written all over it. The goal all along was to convict Trump of mishandling classified documents or perhaps obstruction when they couldn't prove mishandling. The real goal, of course, is to make sure that Trump can't get back into the White House. More to the point, to ensure a second term for Joe Biden. Judge Canon is now insisting on reviewing notes from the grand jury who indicted Trump in a Washington, D.C. courtroom. This is not a positive development for Smith or the Biden White House. The alleged "crimes" were committed in Florida at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, which explains Judge Canon's handling of the case. Yesterday, Smith's team admitted their mishandling of the files they removed from Mar-a-Lago. Worse yet, they admitted that they misrepresented (lied) to Canon's court in a prior hearing about the handling of the very same files. I think I have most of this right. The only question in my mind now is when Judge Canon is going to dismiss this case with prejudice. Oh, and when will Biden's DOJ be held responsible for interfering with an election?

It's sad to see that our country has come to this but it is what it is. It's Joe Biden's America, don't you know? I'm talking about the new law in Tennessee that allows for the arming of teachers. Enough of these stupid-ass gun-free zones. They are basically invitations to nutjobs across the spectrum who would wish to do harm to students, teachers, maintenance men, you name it. They'll be thinking twice before going into a school in Tennessee to unleash their madness. The very thought of someone shooting back should have them rethinking their designs. A side benefit might be that students will think twice before giving their instructors any lip. Imagine a student taking a teacher to task who is not only bigger than you but who also has a 45 caliber canon in full sight hanging on their hip with an additional clip on the opposite hip for good measure. An ill-intentioned student is likely to pause and pay attention when his or her teacher tells them to get back into their seat. Nobody wants to go home at the end of the day in a body bag, so you follow the rules and keep any sick thoughts you might have to yourself. You might as well throw that manifesto of yours in the trash for all the good it's going to do you. Never mind that not one Democrat voted for this measure. It literally deprives them of any and all opportunities they might have to advance their arguments on gun control that, God forbid, they would run with in the event of another school shooting. This is who they are.

NBC is reporting that Biden's handlers are looking to shorten his speeches. "It's quality over quantity," they say. Who the fuck do they think they're kidding? I gather that this "get him out more often because it will be good for his image" thing has not worked out well for him or his handlers. They thought that confining Trump to a courtroom in Lower Manhattan while Biden gave stump speeches across the country was just what the doctor ordered. Boy, were they wrong. Being wrong has been a mainstay, and soon to be the legacy, of the corrupt and demented presidency of one Joeseph "Lunchbucket Joe" Biden. They can only prop this loser up for so long, and that day has come and gone. Cue cards and teleprompters that once offered him a lifeline in light of his diminishing cognitive function no longer do so. There's only one problem. The American people expect more from their presidents, even those presidents who have found their way into our Oval Office by hook or crook. If you don't have the mental capacity to call a spade a spade or to call out antisemitism when it's antisemitism, then they have every right to demand your ouster. Being president means living in the moment and stepping up to the plate to reassure Americans when they need reassurance. And to think that this fool sitting in the White House was touted as the one individual who would bring sanity back to our nation's Capitol when he ran for president back in 2020. You know that he doesn't have anything to say because he's incapable of saying it, whatever the fuck it is that he's trying to read off his cue cards. There, I said it.