Filly be Gone

Did you hear about the only filly running in the Kentucky Derby yesterday? Hillary Clinton had very clear instructions for her daughter , Chelsea, who was in attendance for the 134th running of the historic race. "Vote for the filly", demanded Hillary. She's the only gal in the race just like I'm the only woman in this here presidential race. Hint, hint. The filly wins, I can too. Women unite! I need the sisterhood to put me over the top. "I can't do it without you", she pleaded. I represent your hopes and dreams. Well, it wasn't exactly the historic ending that Hillary had hoped for. The filly broke her ankles following a reasonably good showing and they capped the bitch in the mud while she lay on her side in unimaginable agony. All those hopes and dreams evaporated in the space of time it took to euthanize the filly and that was the end of it. Did you hear who won the race? Why, it was Big Brown. While the Clinton campaign would have you forget that that they ever tried to attach their hopes and dreams to the hopes and dreams of the filly in the race, I would hope that the Obama campaign might remind folks that the filly was soundly beaten by Big Brown. The similarities of names and gender are not lost on me. The story ends there but the real race goes on. If Clinton has her way, the race will continue to focus on race. If Obama has his way, the filly will break a nail long before she nears the finish line.