So-So Saturday

That's all I can say about a day as dreary as today. Just dismal. The question is, is it too this or that to go biking. If I'm lucky, I will get out on the road and get my miles in early today just so I can say I did them. Oh, the exercise is good and I hope to cash in on the endorphins but it's more the routine that I need to keep than anything else. Just as this is routine, writing in this here blog, and eating vegetables for breakfast right along with my Uncle Sam's, so is the biking business. What I wouldn't give for a little more sun though. Bring on the heat, damn it! If push comes to shove, I can always get on the treadmill. That is my winter activity and winter is coming to these here parts soon enough.

I think the iPhone is working out well. I'm using it regularly to text Ev and Nancy too enjoys jumping on the texting bandwagon. It is so unintrusive. They say that teens these days text their parents to keep in touch when it is otherwise uncool to speak to them on the phone. Granted, they are usually one liners, but the jist is there as is the contact. It's quite amazing how much one can communicate in the space of a sentence when one wants to. I would go a little further by saying that the children are sometimes not fully aware of just how much they are communicating when they text their parents. Sometimes, it may be what they don't say that grabs your attention. It may be how they say what they say. And certainly, it gives new meaning to the expression, "hanging on every word. " Hanging on every letter might be a more appropriate expression when it comes to texting. And to think that six months ago, I had never texted at all. Had never tweeted neither. And now look at me.

We're surprised to see the hummingbirds still hanging around. It's hard to tell if they are the same little buggers we've seen all summer long since they all look the same but they probably are. Nancy has been diligent in keeping the feeders clean and refilled throughout the summer so they have continued to grace us with their presence. Nancy enjoys them so I'm happy to see her hard work paying dividends. Although, I have to say, I'll get home from work on occassion and she will complain about the fact that they have not been around. No sooner does she get the words out of her mouth than I see one or more out of the corner of my eye on or around the bird feeder. That always gets her goat. It is a fact that they are seldom seen during the day so I've come to expect to see them in the early morning or early evening. It always surprises me when I see them coming to feed in the pouring rain. What's the rush, little fellas?