Off to the Cape

It's a bleeping beautiful day here on the coast of NH. Not a cloud in the sky and the temperatures are cool for the middle of July. I think it was in the forties last night. Just perfect for sleeping. What about that crazy fuck who killed a bunch of people at the midnight premier of "The Dark Knight Rises" somewhere in Colorado. What was he thinking? By all accounts, he was a smart kid with no history of mental illness. How does this sort of thing happen? The libs are predictably using this event as a springboard to reignite efforts to get gun control laws on the books. The presidential politicians presided over a vigil or two in honor of the slain and Barry ordered the flags across the nation to be lowered to half staff. Stumping will no doubt resume in earnest today. Romney and Obama are in a dead heat in any number of the swing states although Obama has a lead where it counts (in the electoral college.) There is a long way to go. Not so for the 12 victims of the Columbine-like massacre.


We're delighted that Evan will be going off to the Cape for a week starting today. I should remind him that when he is in the ocean that he is not at the top of the food chain. I envision he and his friends frolicking in the surf like a bunch of stranded dolphins with Great Whites just offshore thinking the same thing and not knowing any better. As the commotion intensifies the great Whites move into position. There is shrill whistle off in the distance of a lone lifeguard that joins the cacophony of seagulls starting to assemble for what they anticipate will be fine meal once the carnage clears. The water has turned a sandy brown with the churning of the bodies as they push further into the surf. The lifeguard is now on foot closing the distance digging deeper into the sand with each stride. The dorsal fins of the Great Whites break the surface as they move closer to their intended prey in a zigzag pattern just a good stones throw off the shore. In the final moments before what might have been a disastrous outing for the boys, they catch sight and sound of the crowds waving them ashore and emerge from the water with their lives intact. Not a moment too soon to be sure. This dream has a good ending. Stay vigilant, boys.

But you can't tell him anything. She calls out for him. Whaaaaat, mom? It's endless. Did you pack your flip flops? Do you have a beach towel? What about sandals? And, what about a hat? You remember what I've told you about not wearing sun block? The sun will damage your skin, she was quick to remind him. Just for effect, she points to the darkened patch near near the bridge of her nose where they removed a basal cell carcinoma not too long ago. She toyed with the idea of making cookies for the boys for their ride down to the Cape and worried aloud that they might eat the whole lot of them before reaching their destination. She made them anyway. It has been that kind of morning. Not sure who is picking up who but he is still here at the late hour of 12:10 on a Saturday afternoon. His mom wants to take a couple of pictures since his latest haircut is one of the nicer haircuts we've seen in the last couple of years so that is what they will do and then he will be off. It may be too late for a bike ride since we don't much care for baking in the mid day sun while riding. It will just have to wait until later this afternoon. I'll be happy when we get on a more even keel. That may not happen until Evan is on his way. Such is life.