Fighting Fanny

Word has it that the Supreme Court will come out today with its decision on Colorado's efforts to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado. If a couple of libs sit this one out, then we'll get a 7-2 decision in favor of Trump. I wish the Court had the balls to address the insurrection issue, but I guess they won't. Spoiler alert: It wasn't an insurrection. I'm just getting a little sick of these moonbats running around the country with their hair on fire, yelling insurrection, insurrection, insurrection. This is nothing more than the libs in a full-court press to keep Trump out of the White House and away from the levers of power. More to the point, Democrats intend to keep control of the White House even if it means stealing the election. It won't be the first election they've stolen, and it probably won't be the last.


I haven't decided yet what I will do tomorrow night when the election returns start to come in on Super Tuesday. It's all a forgone conclusion regarding who will walk away with what, so it's all a bit anticlimactic. Both Biden and Trump will win when all is said and done. Will we see fewer votes in some states than four or eight years ago due to a lack of enthusiasm for one or the other candidates? Can we draw any conclusions about Election Day in November based on the number of votes tallied for either the Republicans or the Democrats? One thing is for sure. Both parties will have surrogates readily available on every network to spin the results to favor their candidate or, conversly, to sully and downplay their opponents success. If their opponent has a bad night, kicking them when they're down isn't out of the question. This isn't about getting enough delegates to win their party's nomination. Not tonight, anyway, assuming neither of the candidates wins enough delegates to win the nomination outright. It's a litmus test for who's on track to be the nominee and who isn't. Then again, I already know the answer to that question.

Russia announced that they hadn't achieved their objectives in Ukraine as it relates to their efforts to denazify Ukraine. I'd forgotten why they invaded Ukraine, but it's all coming back to me now. I'm still not sure what denazification looks like. Is that a reference to nazis from World War II? Is Russia suggesting that Nazis fled to Ukraine from Germany after the war and have now set up camp in Ukraine? It's not like the nazis in Ukraine are walking around wearing nazi insignias, so how does Russia denazify anything when you can't tell a nazi from a garden-variety Ukrainian? I'd hoped that Russia might announce that they were close to achieving their objectives, and that would give them the morale high ground going into any negotiations that might take place. While we're on the subject, what the hell are we (the United States) doing rubbing up on a country full of nazis? Is any of this really true, or is this just Russia making it up as they go along to do what they really want, which is to keep Ukraine from joining NATO? I'm trying not to sound too ignorant, but I have questions.

This whole issue of presidential immunity for President Trump has morphed into something that seems more manageable over these past couple of weeks. It started out in the mainstream media as, "Oh my God, there is no way the Supreme Court would give any president immunity for ordering Seal Team Six to kill his political opponent." That proclamation gave every left-wing talking head in the media a narrative that they used to lull their Trump-deranged listeners into thinking that it was a no-brainer that the Supremes would decline Trump's plea for presidential immunity. Judge Chutkin would put the case back on the docket, and Jack Smith and his clown car of prosecutors would bring home a conviction for Team Biden just ahead of the election. A more palatable narrative of sorts has emerged in the last few days. It makes me think that the lefties realized that they got out over their skis with the seal team six bullshit. It goes like this: The Supremes will forge a nuanced framework for what and how much immunity presidents are entitled to and then send that framework back to the lower courts to determine which counts against Trump get tossed or kept. I think I like the way this is shaking out.

The White House public relations team seems to have a new strategy for dealing with the fact that we have a feckless and doddering old fool sitting in the Oval Office. In the last few weeks, we've started to hear more and more members of his party say that getting feckless (my words, not theirs) old Joe out in public would be just what the doctor ordered to renew Americans' confidence in their Commander-in-Chief. When his handlers realized that was a non-starter for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was that he couldn't speak without his cue cards and he couldn't walk without betraying his feebleness, they decided to have every member of his political party go on television and regale the public with stories of their interactions with the President. It was a cacophony of lies and fabrications, to be sure, but it was music to the ears of his supporters who stood by slack-jawed while Trump continued to take demented Joe out behind the woodshed, figuratively speaking, for a well-deserved beating in the polls. The White House simultaneously invited every world leader available to sit with feckless Joe in the West Wing to give the impression that he was doing the people's work. Shame on leaders like Meloni from Italy, who knew precisely why she was there and still agreed to perpetuate a fraud on the American Public.

I'm hearing that Trump's defense team in the RICO case in Georgia now wants to introduce yet another witness who claims to have intimate knowledge that Willis conspired with her lover, Wade, to conceal the truth about her relationship with Wade. I don't know if we're talking about someone who has tapes or some other form of evidence that is beyond impeachable or what. I also don't know if the judge needs any more proof than he already has to decide the case. I will say that speculation about how he will come down is rampant and runs the gamut from throwing the two lovers off the case and assigning it to another office to having them disbarred and brought up on charges of perjury. I also don't know why the judge needs two weeks to decide the case. Then again, going after a black woman in a position of power in the Deep South these days can be a dicey proposition. Maybe it wasn't lost on anyone that Fani chose to have her father, an ex-Black Panther, testify on her behalf. Was that a veiled threat against the court? Might we see a modern-day march on Selma in Fulton County if she's unceremoniously booted from the case? Will we see a re-emergence of the Fani Willis who stood tall and defiant in her church in recent weeks, whipping her fellow parishioners and fellow citizens into a rage over a litany of social justice issues in her community? God is on your side, Judge. The time is now.

Super Tuesday is now in the history books. Trump has accumulated just short of 1,000 delegates in his race thus far for the 1215 delegates he needs to win the nomination. He won every state last night except Vermont. It was close in Vermont, with Haley and Trump each walking away with roughly 8-9 delegates. Haley's wins to date are the District of Columbia and the State of Vermont. Trump, for all intents and purposes, is now the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party. Word has it that Haley will bow out today following a dismal performance last night. Her campaign hoped they might take a few more states than she did in last night's contests, so dropping out today seems like the right thing to do. Will she endorse Trump? Will it be a full-throated endorsement? She's already skating on thin ice after staying in the race longer than she should have, in my humble opinion, so she can stop now with her comments about Trump being too old and unable to beat Biden. It's time to let voters decide who will and won't win a second term. The No-Label folks will decide if they will assemble a third-party ticket this Friday. Then, we have Kennedy on the ballot in some states, running on the Independent ticket.

When he gave his victory speech last night, Trump looked and sounded a bit tired. The poor guy has to be burning the candle at both ends. I couldn't tell if he was giving his speech extemporaneously, but it looked and sounded like that might be the case. I hear that Haley issued a statement. Biden was nowhere to be seen. Biden had just as many wins as Trump last since he had no real competition, so where was he when all was said and done? Do his supporters not deserve to see and hear from the man they took the trouble to go out and vote for in 15 some odd states? Maybe his campaign was annoyed with the fact that "Uncommitted" got as many votes in as many states as it did. He probably wasn't terribly pleased with the fact that he got his ass kicked in American Samoa by a man nobody's even heard of. When it comes to the Democrat nominee and the various ongoing contests, nobody is saying the quiet part out loud. That is to say, a vote for Joe Biden is really a vote for Kamala Harris. Nobody in their right mind thinks that Joe Biden will make it another four months in the position, much less another four years. It goes without saying that Kamala Harris, as president, is about as frightening a prospect as one can imagine. It just is.

I'm hearing that Alex Jones brokered a meeting between Trump and Elon Musk. If there is any chance that Musk can help Trump financially, that's a good thing. Musk has been very critical of the Biden Administration on various issues, and immigration, at least as of late, is at the top of his list. Supporting a candidate who wants to close our borders and deport illegal aliens with criminal records, at least for Musk, is a no-brainer. I think it's not an easy decision for Musk since he supported Biden in the 2020 election. Musk also has any number of enterprises that intertwine with governmental agencies, so cozying up to the party in charge was probably not a bad idea at the time. If there is any truth to the fact that Biden intends to allow China to flood our market with cheap EVs made in Mexico, then voting for a man like Trump, who would never allow that to happen, makes sense. It might even be in Musk's interest to see someone like Trump slow down or put a stop to the Green New Deal bullshit that halts the production of vehicles using carbon-based fuels by the year 2035. When you own a company like Tesla, as Musk does, less competition is better for business. As for Trump and illegal immigration, I thought he said that he was going to deport them all. And now, he's just talking about deporting the bad ones? WTF?

If I'm not mistaken, Trump's tax cuts, which he implemented in his first term as president, will expire in early 2025. Why isn't Trump even talking about that as yet another reason for people to vote for him? There is also a rumor that Bumbles Biden will discuss hiking taxes in his State of the Union speech tonight. Elon Musk, are you listening? Do you want to reconsider your decision not to donate to Trump's campaign? He's going to propose a 25% tax on billionaires. That's you, Elon. None of these hikes will get through a Republican House of Representatives, so I'm not sure why they are even on the table for Bumbles. Maybe Bumbles is trying to divert our attention away from the disaster that he created on our southern border by even mentioning tax hikes. Or, maybe he's trying to divert our attention from the ravages of inflation that Americans experience every time they go food shopping. I'm sure the progressives who drive much of what Biden does will love all the tax talk and might even give our failing and flailing Commander-in-Chief a standing ovation tonight. Do you suppose the Democrats will invite any newcomers (illegal aliens) to Biden's speech tonight? And, pray tell, what kinds of drugs will they pump into Biden's veins to get him through the speech? I'll watch it so you don't have to.


It looks like Fanny is fighting back! I'm talking about Fani Willis, the disgraced District Attorney in Fulton County, Georgia. Don't tell me that she wasn't involved. I'm talking about yesterday's announcement of a prominent local black man who will now challenge Judge McAfee in the upcoming election in Fulton County. Do you suppose that his announcement has anything to do with the fact that Judge McAfee is currently deciding whether to disqualify Willis and Wade from the Trump RICO case? Is there any question in anyone's mind that if McAfee boots the two off the case, that Willis will rally the black community against McAfee to unseat him? Clearly, that is what we're seeing before our very eyes. It's just more skullduggery and intimidation from the corrupt and conniving Willis. A woman like Willis, who is willing to perjure herself before the Court, is a woman who will do anything to achieve her ends. She's fighting back like a cornered alleycat, and here's hoping that McAfee sees this for what it is and adjudicates the case based on the facts and nothing else. There should be no half-measures when it comes to the verdict. The world is watching, Judge McAfee. Do the right thing.

I spent the better part of the afternoon yesterday watching Ms. Merchant (defense counsel for one of Trump's co-defendants) testify before the Georgia Senate on YouTube about the Willis case. Willis is going to rue the day when she decided to hire and enrich her lover by doing the bidding of Biden's White House. Ms. Merchant testified that Willis met with Vice President Harris before indicting Donald Trump and 18 other defendants. It smacks of a concerted and coordinated effort between Willis and the White House to bring yet another lawfare case against Trump to influence the presidential election. I thought Willis denied ever going to the White House in her testimony before Judge McAfee. How do we square that fucking circle? Merchant also made the case in her testimony before the Senate that Willis broadened the scope of the investigation in order to add as many defendants as possible in order to increase the number of trials and, as a consequence of the expanded trial calendar, a bigger windfall for her lover in hours billed on the case. Willis had a financial, political, and personal interest in bringing the case, and Ms. Merchant pulled no punches in her testimony. You could tell that the Senators were completely gobsmacked by her testimony. They asked all the right questions and drew all the appropriate conclusions during the hours-long hearing. None of this bodes well for Ms. Willis's future as District Attorney for Fulton County.

What did you think of the State of the Union speech delivered by Bumbles Biden last night? Two minutes into the speech, I turned to the missus and said, "This is not a State of the Union speech. It's a damn campaign speech." They had good ole lunchbox Joe swinging from the yardarms and with who knows what kinds of drugs pulsating through his veins. He was amped up about as much as you can amp up a dementia patient without pushing them over the edge of the abyss. He came across as a mean, divisive, and disturbed individual shouting at the world while trying to rally the progressive whacko wing of his party to his side. Where were all the fact-checkers last night? He spewed lie after lie with his best and most vitriolic lies aimed at whom he constantly referred to as his "predecessor." He came hot out of the box at the beginning of his speech and started to falter only after the drugs started to wear off. His speech slowed, he mumbled and stared off into space, and he lost his place several times before making comments that had nothing to do with anything. It was an embarrassing outing for a president on the one night out of the year when most Americans look to the president for words of wisdom and the promise of better days ahead. This was not that. With any luck, this will be his last "speech" to the American people.

Did you see the part of the speech where he took aim at the members of the Supreme Court who were seated in the front row and took them to task for their part in overturning Roe Vs Wade? Just who the fuck does this clown from Scranton think he is? He knows that the Supreme Court is an equal branch of government. No? This is what lowlife politicians do when they don't get their way. I figured it was just a matter of time before Biden's backbenchers sitting in the audience donned in all-white garb to give a nod to the color of the suffragette movement started pelting the members of the Supreme Court with rotten tomatoes. Such was the vitriol in the words and maniacal facial expressions raining down from high where Biden stood sputtering and spitting as he strained to read the teleprompter before him. You could see that he was actually closing his left eye as he tried, occasionally and sometimes unsuccessfully, to focus on the words splashing in size 85 font on the teleprompter before him. He was, for all intents and purposes, and for one night only, a white, linguistically, and intellectually challenged Louis Farrakhan singing to the radical forces in his choir, and the American people be damned.

What is this bullshit Biden is talking about when he said something about America building a "pier" so that they can get supplies to the Palestinians in Gaza? He better not be fucking making plans to offload the Gazans to ships offshore and then onto the shores of America. I'm sure the Israelis would like nothing better than to have America take everyone out of Gaza so they can effectively separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. Maybe they'd like America to offload the entire population, including Hamas. That solves a lot of problems for Israel. Would anyone be surprised to learn that Biden and his Military Industrial Complex have every intention of supplying both sides of the war, the Israelis and Hamas, with weaponry to prolong the war at the expense of both parties in the conflict? This is who they are. This is what they do. I can also assure you that any supplies delivered to the Palestinians, however they are routed, will be going first to Hamas. No one is under any illusions about where any of the aid is really ending up. Israel is probably too reliant on America to push back on the deliveries, so the war will continue unabated despite America's best efforts to do whatever it is that they are trying to accomplish.

I caught a bit of footage of the Secretary of Defense (Austin) testifying before Congress the other day. He was asked how many bombs the United States had delivered to Israel that were being used to hammer the Palestinians in Gaza. I'm paraphrasing, of course, but you get my point. I think the number referenced was 22,000, give or take. I was thinking to myself, holy shite, we here in the United States are guilty by association for the carnage laid at the feet of the good people in Gaza. We could just as easily deny shipments of armaments to Israel, and, at least morally, we'd have considerably less blood on our hands. I suppose we have some allegiance to Israel in terms of supporting their efforts to quash Hamas and others who would like to see them pushed into the sea. I'd also be quick to admit that I have no real sense of the death and destruction that the Palestinians have experienced. I'm certain that it's a hundredfold worse than our media is letting on. Leave no doubt that the Palestinians and Mulsim populations in states like Michigan and elsewhere know better and realize that Americans know less because their government (Biden) wants them to know less, and the mainstream media is complicit in the coverup. Come Election Day, we'll see who, if anyone, is held accountable for the unforgivable sins of our leaders.

Mollie Hemingway has an article out about January 6th (J6) and how Liz Cheney and others involved in the mock Congressional hearings did everything they could to suppress the truth about President Trump and his role in seeing to it that there were sufficient resources on hand on January 6th to push back on any leftist groups like Antifa and others who they expected to be amongst the Trump protestors on the plaza that fateful day. Mollie did not mention any undercover Federal agents on hand who may have also played a part, but we've seen reports to that effect, so we can probably assume that those reports are true. She went on to say that the Colorado Supreme Court used the J6 reports, which we now know were false as they relate to Trump's role, to cast Trump as an insurrectionist and, ultimately, not legally allowed to be on the ballot. The truth of the matter is, according to Mollie, Trump offered 10,000 National Guardsmen, but that offer was declined by the mayor of DC, Marilyn Bowser. I'm not sure if this is one of Jack Smith's charges relating to Trump's indictment, but it's now been taken off the table if we're to take Mollie's account as legit. The devious and dastardly lengths that the Democrat party has gone to in order to destroy Trump and the MAGA movement, in collusion with their counterparts in the Republican party, is beyond insane. When in God's name is anyone, or any group, going to pay a price for their role in destroying one man and his political movement?