Cuck a Doodle Do

It’s very exciting hearing what I’m hearing about democrats, lifelong and other, who are planning to vote for Donald Trump (Republican) this Fall. It’s heartening to know that there are good and decent americans who care enough about their political party and their country to stand up and vote their conscience when faced with the prospects of seeing a grifter and unindicted criminal the likes of Hillary Clinton represent our great country as President of the United States. Granted, there are any number of disenchanted republicans who have vowed as well to never vote for Donald Trump as he simply doesn’t hold what they consider to be the appropriate conservative values as defined by the far right wing of the republican party. The latter group for the most part has not said that they plan to vote for Clinton but will be voting for congressional and senatorial candidates if for no other reason than to ensure that their representatives up and down the ticket get into office. Donald Trump is making a concerted effort to reach out to black and latino constituencies with the message that continuing to vote for democrats will do nothing to overcome the decades of poverty, crime, and increase in illegal immigration which their party has seen under democratic leadership. “What the hell do you have to lose?”, he asks aloud with outstretched arms from the podium before a cast of adoring fans who have come to hear him speak. There were another 30,000 fans watching a simulcast of the event on the web. Never mind that the crowds are predominately white.

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Fact of the matter is that when all is said and done he is likely to get a larger proportion of black and hispanic votes than any prior republican who has ever run for the presidency of the United States. This has the democrats in panic mode since without these constituencies going out to vote in large numbers come November their nominee will be toast. One only has to tune in to the major cable networks like MSNBC, FOX, and CNN to see just how frantic the Clinton pantywaists are about these latest developments in the Trump campaign. They long for the days of Mitt Romney who they excoriated mercilessly when he ran as the republican candidate in 2012 against Obama. Not only will their base not show up but those who do show up are likely to be less than enthusiastic given that her nomination was a sham perpetrated from day one by the leaders in her party. If you have any doubts about that just ask Bernie “Feel the bern” Sanders.

Thankfully, with the able assistance of WikiLeaks and a handful of hackers both national and international we discovered that the very heart and soul of the democratic party as seen from the hacked e-mails and phone recordings was not what it seemed and it was and is very dark indeed. Those exposed were not exposed in time to help Bernie Sanders but the revelations have left a greasy film on the already sleazy veneer of what’s left of the democratic party now headed up by Hillary Clinton. Simply put, their chickens have come home to roost in the infamous words of Reverend Wright. “Cuck”-a-doodle-do. Any Cuck will do.

Aside from the health benefits that one derives from exercises like bike riding, I find that taking a bike ride is a good way to gauge my energy levels in a way that is absent or missing from most other physical activities. Without constant feedback on such things it is easy to get lulled into thinking that I am getting as much exercise as I need or that my energy levels are sustainable and appropriate to most tasks in and around the house. Other influences including weather, diet, and opportunity play into the overall picture but unless you get to the point where you need to tap those reserves of additional energy you just don’t know where you stand. Case in point is today’s planned ride. It is a cool late August day here on the seacoast and there is no reason why I shouldn’t expect to get in an extended ride one way or another. Extended meaning that I’ll add extra miles by going down Hampton way or well past the horse farm on Atlantic ave before turning up towards Hampton rather than sticking with the standard ride. I can tell immediately when I get on my bike just how well I’m feeling and know with some degree of certainty that I will be doing the extended ride or not. I simply don’t know that as I sit here putting these words down on paper. Do I feel up to a having a good ride? Yes. Is there any reason that I would not have such a ride? No. Will I know until I get out there? No.

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I am also very interested in knowing more about the types of food required in order to maintain reasonable energy levels. Too much of this or too much of that is a good place to start that thought process. Everything in moderation. That includes the nastiest of foods like hot dogs which probably won’t kill you in the long run and taste pretty good if you slap a little relish and mustard on the darn things. I haven’t decided which I like better: grilled or boiled. I think chicken is a sure bet for good protein so ought to keep some of that on hand. Trader Joe’s has grilled chicken strips available which comes in handy for a quick snack. That reminds me. I have a couple of avocados in the fridge that are getting softer by the day so I may have some of that for lunch. Do I make a guacamole? Eat it plain with a little lime and a dash of pepper? I like to have it with black beans and salsa sometimes so before this day gets too long in the tooth I’m going to stick a can of beans in the fridge in anticipation of making that oh-so-simple dish.

Jesus. Those blueberries I bought yesterday are a little tart. Ya think? Plump? Yes. Juicy? Yes. Tart? You bet your ass. I’m thinking about returning them. WTF. Can’t wait try the Tanzanian coffee I bought from Trader Joes the other day. I love the crazy way they describe coffee these days. “Highlighting the earthy and fruity tones for which this region’s coffees are renowned.” It better have a kick. No, it better have a jolt that leaves my eyelids unable to wink for as long as that cup of coffee stays hot. I guess it depends on how quickly I drink it. Did I tell you that I tried Dunkin Donut’s Cold Brew? Not bad. Don’t usually have DD coffee but I do like cold brew so gave it a whirl. Good stuff.