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Who knew? I had ideas about writing more and more over the holidays but it turned out to be less and less. Ain't that the truth. Well, it's time to turn all that around and get back on board with the game of life. I don't always sit down to write with nothing in particular to say but this is one of those mornings. If I wait till I have something to say, I might never write again. That's a bit of an exaggeration to be sure but even the most prolific bloggers get bogged down from time to time. Writers may call it "writer's block" but I am not a writer so I don't indulge myself in such delusions. I am just off my game like I said at the outset. I do have other things that I would like to get on to this morning but, at least for now, I'll continue to do this in the hopes of finding the right chord. The right mix of thoughts, memories, and god only knows what else. So, here goes.

There's a light snow falling outside my back door this fine morning. It's the first of the season. I'll celebrate the occasion by throwing an extra log or two on the fire. I asked Ev to give me a hand in moving some wood into the garage but we haven't quite managed to get that together just yet. I may regret that if the snow continues to fall with any appreciable accumulation. I was going to go off to the food store early this morning and I may still yet. Staying in and curling up with a book is looking more appealing by the minute. Maybe it's one of those mornings where by getting out and braving the elements it will make being at home after the fact and with chores done a good thing. The bird feeders are full, the kitchen but a sink full of dishes away from restoring order to that space, and my darlings are fast asleep as they should be. Just so you have some idea of what it means to me to get things done at the store, I go to one store for organic lemons, another to buy diced tomatoes on sale, and another to buy the leanest cuts of beef for meals during the week. I'm an ardent gatherer of fresh produce as well and I have a store or two that I frequent for these items. As to fruit during the winter season, I rather enjoy having frozen blueberries with my cereal. Dole sells a hefty bag for close to $10 at Walmart. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

The one take away from Thanksgiving for me was the price of turkey. I am accustomed to spending $7 a pound for sliced oven roasted turkey so you can imagine my surprise when I spied turkey at $.48 a pound after Thanksgiving was over. My god, I thought. I can get my own oven roasted bird for cents on the dollar and I can stop paying those bastards my hard earned money at the local deli. I will use the breast meat for sandwiches and such and I will convert the rest to soups, chili's, and any little thing my heart desires. I will even have a wishbone at the end of the day on which to tug and dream but not in that particular order. That's the plan, anyway. I have already warned the wife that the oven is mine for the time needed to cook up the bird. Get out the way, honey! Oh, does anyone know where I can find the meat thermometer? Of course, I have to do the math on things like protein, fat, and all the rest when it comes down to choosing between turkey and chicken. I think chicken has the edge when it comes to protein but turkey has the market cornered on leanness. Well, I ought to be on my way now so I can beat the hordes of early morning shoppers. Maybe I can get back before my babies get up and out of bed. One can dream.