Blood On His Hands

We hunkered down hereabouts for the first hurricane of the season. His name was Henri. The missus was all abuzz with her usual litany of "we're all going to die" histrionics. Truth be told, the Ev man and I were just along for the ride. We brought in the plants, lowered the umbrella on the patio, moved the cars so that they were not beneath any trees, and I went to the local gas station and filled two five-gallon jugs with gasoline for the generator just in case. You can never be too prepared.


Just south of New York City, this so-called hurricane started wobbling while on its northward trajectory and it seemed to lose its mojo in realtime as the forecasters showed map after map of the areas likely to be affected. By the time it was supposed to reach our area, I wouldn't say that we had blue skies and fair winds but there wasn't even a hint of anything in the air much less remnants of a hurricane called Henri.

I was reminded during this exercise in storm preparedness of just how unprepared we were and are when these types of things come along. Most of those failings have to do with having enough food on hand. We had little in the refrigerator to begin with and that could have been a problem had there been a run on the stores and had we experienced a prolonged period of time with no access to stores where we might replenish our food stocks.

By the time you realize you might have a problem, you also realize that stores are also likely mobbed with people and you're probably better off just trying to get by with the meager canned goods and dried pasta that you have left over from your periodic buying during the pandemic. The self-recriminations are fast and fierce. Why didn't I do a better job stocking up for this storm? I knew it was coming down the pike. I knew I didn't have enough food own hand to last more than a day or two, maybe three in a pinch. I'll never let this happen again. No siree, Bob.

It's comforting to know that we have a generator if and when we lose electricity. It's one of those portable generators that powers any number of things in the house but moving it out and about during a raging storm is not ideal. Both of our neighbors have stand-by units which power on automatically. That seems to be the way to go. It would avoid all the fuss and muss of lugging gas back and forth from gas stations that may or may not be open and it would require considerably less muscle on the part of any and all family members, myself included.

The FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine (not the one you think) yesterday. It has been largely available as an experimental therapy for the better part of a year now. While there are questions about how this drug was approved so quickly, and without knowing the results of any and all clinical trials that might challenge Pfizer's claims about it's efficacy, it does make one wonder why Bumbling Biden was at the podium encouraging companies to mandate their employees get the vaccine as a condition of employment. Maybe this says more about the symbiotic relationship between big government and big Pharma than anything else.

If big government can force you to take a vaccine whose efficacy is questionable, they can force you to do anything. This does not have a good feel to it in any way, shape, or form. To say that this whole Covid thing has been a cluster since day one would be an understatement. Why would anyone force vaccines on a population where only a small segment of that population is even at an increased risk of getting seriously sick or dying of the disease? Does that make any sense to you? These coronaviruses mutate and variants emerge that may or may not respond to vaccines currently on the market. Then what?

Raise your hand if you're feeling like a fucking guinea pig? A lab rat, maybe? We cannot forget for a moment that most people who survive this virus go on to harbor antibodies that can protect them quite nicely for a time. None of the people who want to give you the jab even want to hear about antibodies. Roll up your sleeves, mother fucker! As it turns out, people who have antibodies are at increased risk for developing side effects from the vaccines. Again, they just don't give a flying fuck.

Get the jab or don't bother coming in. That's increasingly what we're hearing from companies and institutions across the country. Yes, it's the old vaccine passport bullshit. You can only dine here if you're vaccinated. You can only work here if you're vaccinated. Now that the FDA has "approved" the vaccine, and with Biden's blessing, companies are going to get even more militant about insisting that their employees tow the line and get the jab. When is someone going to take these bastards to court so we can get a legal ruling one way or another? I can't believe the Supremes would look kindly on any of this nonsense.

Vaccines aside, what the hell is going on in places like Australia and New Zealand? They are essentially locking down their populations when they see maybe a case or two or maybe one or two deaths a day. Are they fucking crazy? I watched in horror as police forces in Australia took to the streets and beat protestors who wanted nothing more than to have their voices heard. That is the definition of tyranny. This is the kind of thing you might expect to see in China where there is just no such thing as human rights. Does this really have anything to do with a virus? Or, are they using the virus as a subtext to force their populations into submission? To what end, I ask you.

I regret getting the jab so I'll say that at the outset. The missus was petrified of getting the virus so I went along to get along and off we went to get the jab. As for the booster, they can kiss my ass. Not a day passes by that I don't worry that the jab that I got is killing me in some small way or other. Every twinge I get makes me wonder if what I'm feeling is because of the jab. Would I be stronger and more resilient or resistant to sickness and disease had I not gotten the jab? I'll never know because I rolled up my sleeve and took god only knows what into my body and for all the wrong reasons. I'll never forgive the missus for that but I'll not be saying that to her anytime soon. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

There is a political angle to all of this that is troubling as well. It seems the leftists are taking a victory lap after the FDA's approval of the Pfizer vaccine. They seem to think that this will give the institutions the cover they need to force the vaccine on the unwilling, better know as the vaccine-hesitant crowd, many or most of whom are republicans. They are licking their fucking chops at seeing republicans having to kneel at the altar of big government. To imprison or otherwise ostracize these Trump-loving resistors is the ultimate wet dream. They are less than human, after all. If this sounds familiar, it is. It's no different then what the nazis did to the Jews in the 40's when they forced them to wear the Star of David on their chests. Never again.

Mrs G told us over the weekend that her independent living facility will no longer allow guests who have not been vaccinated. Ordinarily, I would say fuck them and the horse they rode in on. I surely didn't say this to Mrs G although she may have noticed that I was squirming in my seat a little bit when she gave us the news. At least for now, it isn't a problem. Maybe by the time the boosters are part and parcel of the vaccination scheme, the legal challenges will have taken their course and the hysteria of it all will come down a notch or two.

The missus has a good point when she says that the residents of Mrs G's facility are free to go out and about in the community where they are certainly exposed, at a minimum, to whatever variants are mutating locally. So, they want to protect their residents by controlling who comes and goes from their facility but they are willing to throw caution to the wind by allowing their residents to get infected while out and about in the community only to have them bring it back into the facility at the end of the day? Is it not sufficient that most of their residents have already been vaccinated? Are they not now protected from getting seriously ill even if they do catch the virus? Or, is her facility just doing their part in forcing the rest of us to get the jab? Fuck them!


Why is it that every decision that Biden makes seems to benefit China? They have that demented old fuck by the balls and we Americans are paying the price. Looks like Biden gave the G7 a thumbs down on their request to keep troops in Kabul after August 31st. Biden's shills keep moving the goal posts just to keep everyone on their toes. One day it's, "We're getting every American out of Afghanistan." The very next day, it's "We're getting every American out of Afghanistan who wants to get out of Afghanistan." Who do they think they're kidding? Biden is so feeble minded that he probably doesn't even know what's really going on behind the scenes. He reads the teleprompter and he gets the hell off the stage. The faster, the better.

You know damn well that the Tally-bon has Americans squirreled away somewhere where they can drag them out at a moment's notice as needed. Maybe they use them as leverage to achieve their goals. Maybe they mutilate and kill them on the nightly news if they don't get what they want. Maybe they parade them out on the anniversary of 9/11 to remind everyone what happens to infidels when they do the things that infidels do. Using our embassy in Kabul as the backdrop for their optics will serve as a message to other infidels who have designs on lands where they are no longer welcome. Occupation will not be tolerated.

It's sad to think that we as Americans could have done a half dozen things that might have avoided all of this humiliation on the world stage. That's what's so damn vexing about it all. And Biden just keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper. Could we bomb them back to the Stone Age? Probably. I'm guessing that the Chinese want things more or less intact when they go in to Afghanistan to mine rare earth minerals so there's that. There are oil pipelines to be built between Iran and China and those pipelines go through Afghanistan so, the fewer bombs dropped, the better. Both China and Russia still have embassies operating out of Afghanistan so I guess not all infidels are bad.

Why every republican member of Congress isn't calling for Biden's impeachment is beyond me. Imagine if this were all happening on Trump's watch. The media would be wall-to-wall coverage of his doing China's or Russia's bidding and they would have at least a half dozen articles of impeachment up for a vote in the House. Absent someone, anyone, speaking up against the tyranny of the Biden administration on the issue of Afghanistan alone, the media has moved on to other things. Mission accomplished. Joe Biden has pulled America out of the longest war on record in Afghanistan and he's saved countless lives of both Afghans and American's in the process. He's an American Hero, don't ya know.

Where do we go to get out country back? How did our country lose its dignity and its place in the world order so damn quickly? We've managed to alienate every damn country that stood by our side in the Afghanistan conflict from day one. Our soldiers have stood side by side with the soldiers of our allies for decades and those alliances are now seriously frayed by the unilateral decisions of our Commander-in-Chief, one bumbling and demented Joe Biden. It isn't just Afghanistan. It's our southern border that he has torn down and left open for every criminal, miscreant, and terrorist from near and far to pass through.

The leftists occupying our White House and our Congress are pushing an agenda the likes which have to have our founding fathers rolling over in their graves. They are bankrupting our country with their spending bills; They are tearing away at the fabric of our voting apparatus in order to ensure that they win every election going forward; They are subverting the rule of law to ensure that chaos is the order of the day and only they can restore order in this new world; They have co-opted every possible governmental agency into aiding and abetting their lawless pursuits; and, sadly, there are even republicans who have joined their ranks in the most sycophantic and sickening way one could imagine.

I'm a little surprised that Biden hasn't played the blame game by firing one or more of his sycophantic generals when it comes to this Afghanistan fiasco. He's probably surrounded by his minions who whisper nothing but sweet nothings in his ear. I can hear them now. Joey, you are such a stud on the world stage. Joey, don't listen to these naysayers. Joey, your approval ratings are through the roof with your Afghanistan decision. Joey, your presidency will go down in history as one of the best. Right up there next to George Washington! We all have your back, Mr President. Yes, sir! (The sound of lips puckering in the background)

I don't know why but I have to remind the missus when we're out and about it would be nice if we can pick a little something up for her mother (Mrs G.) It's usually something to go with her tea or maybe a box or two of her favorite candies. Not the coffee flavored ones, mind you. She thinks they keep her up at night. She's also not all that keen on the chocolate parfait flavored ones. She likes what she likes. If they don't have the caramel flavored Nips then we don't get the Nips at all. Life is too short not to get what you want, when you want it, and the more the merrier, if you don't mind.

But they don't have Nips at Whole Foods, Johnny boy. That's true. They do not. While the missus was off looking at god only knows what in some other section of the store, I spied with my eye something that I thought might do just fine. I was more than happy to just put it in my basket and move along but thought it might be better to get the proverbial nod from the missus just to be safe. It's her mother, after all. Would I have bought it for my mother if I had a mother? Most certainly. Yes, it was a lovely pound cake with a nice lemony frosting that caught my eye. I knew it was the bees knees when I held it in my hands and felt the full weight of the butter and the goodness despite the fact that it was half the size of a full loaf.

Her mother is always most appreciative of these little gifts when we show up for our weekly visits. It's only as of late that we've been bringing things on a more regular basis. And, yes, I always have to remind the missus that her mom might appreciate this or that and it would behoove us not to put one or more of the whatever in our basket before checking out. Who doesn't like to surprise their mom with things that they think she might like? For all we know, assuming we're talking about food stuffs, they might get stashed away in her freezer and then maybe just forgotten in the fog of time.

There were other loaves on the shelf to choose from and I have to admit that I might have liked one or two for myself. I tend not want things around the house to eat that are far too easy to eat and usually devoid of much in the way of nutritional value. Mrs G could have a small slice or two and save the rest to enjoy with friends assuming you could count her friends over on any given day on one hand. I think she can be trusted not to go whole hog and consume the entire loaf in one sitting. I'm not so sure I have that kind of will power so I just don't buy those things. Now, if I can only show a little more restraint while in the ice cream aisle, I'll be good to go.

This week's post is getting a little long in the tooth. I guess the same can be said for the month of August, not to mention the summer season hereabouts. I used to be lucky to get three paragraphs down on a good day. Those days are longs gone. You'd think I'd learn to write a little more succinctly over time but that horse too has left the barn. If I have too little to say, I worry endlessly that I'm losing my mojo. If I have too much to say, then that's probably closer to my natural state these days. Happy mediums are for the other gal or guy.

God bless the 12 Marines who lost their lives in Kabul yesterday thanks to Joe Biden's hapless and irresponsible decisions. We will not forget.