Chapter and Verse

I don't think there's a lick of snow on the ground within a 50 mile radius of our home. If there are any licks to speak of, the torrential rains and temperatures in the mid fifties forecast for today will surely melt the last of them. That's fine. I'm not expecting Santa to bring me a sled when Christmas day rolls around so no snow is not a problem. The bigger question for me today is what the heck I'll be doing for exercise now that riding my bike looks like a non-starter.

I think I've been riding my bike 5 or 6 days straight now so maybe it's time for a day off. You get in a groove of sorts and you just want to ride that puppy to the end wherever that end takes you. This time of the year, grooves are hard to find and maybe it's time to start thinking "transition." Sooner or later we'll have snow and that just makes it more difficult all around to do anything consistent on the highway. I renewed my gym membership so it's just a matter of time before I transition to that environment.

Nancy is off attending to this and that this morning so the Ev man and I are on our own. She asked if I might like to have something from the one or two places she expects to end up at by midday and I responded with a lackadaisical "not really." I suggested that she check in with Evan to see if there isn't something that he might like her to bring home. I'm almost certain that he'll ask her to bring him something to eat. I'm always losing track as to whether he's having a late breakfast, an early lunch, a meal that he's missed completely, or his only real meal of the day. The fact that I worry about such things and the fact that he doesn't is concerning to me longer term. His condition being what it is, that is.

I hope I or Nancy remember to tell Aunt Debbie when we see her during the holidays that Nancy and Evan have been hunkered down while watching that Netflix favorite "Breaking Bad." It's an oldie but goodie I suppose and Debbie recommended it a while back and was surprised that we hadn't seen it. It may be Evan's second time around seeing the series but Nancy's first and she agreed to Evan's request to join her in that revisitation.

It's an odd sort of mother-son activity if you ask me but if it works for them then it works for me. Nancy has told me time and time again that if I am ever laid up for a bit that I should watch it too. We have a minimum of 4-5 shows in the queue at any given time so what's another show? How many seasons are there again?

Since I never watch television during the day that leaves me to see everything I need to see at night. Truth be told, I have a limited attention span when it comes to that sort of activity since it requires what seems to me to be an extraordinary stretch of time doing nothing but sitting in front of a television screen. I guess the same can be said for reading and I'l be the first to admit that I enjoy doing that but doing it consistently is more problematic.


Having a good book or two in the queue helps. I don't know if it's a problem or not but I'll start some books and then just stop reading them after a chapter or two. Since there is something to be said for finishing things that you start, never finishing is not a good thing.

And I cannot say with any degree of certainty that I have a preference for fiction over non-fiction or any other of the genres readily available. I don't think I "get" poetry so stay clear of that genre. Biographies, while fascinating to contemplate, are typically several hundred pages longer than I am willing to endure. There is that ADD thing again.

I'm a little too distracted as well by a variety of external and internal inputs to give in to the pleasantries of an audio book although I welcome the challenge from time to time only to discover that I'm really not up to it. The good news is that my personal collection of things to read is as extensive and diverse as it needs to be such that I'll never be without a good book to read if that is what I'm wanting to do. Keep it under 300 pages, Hermann Wouk's books aside, and I'm in with both feet.

I'm a different sort of distracted today though and I'm watching, listening, tweeting, and otherwise very tuned in to what's happening in our country's capitol, Washington DC. There is an epic battle going down between our two major political parties over one of Donald Trump's signature policy promises. He promised that he would build a "big beautiful wall" on our southern border and he was going to make Mexico pay for it.

He is still trying to work out the kinks over who is going to pay for it but in the meantime his party cohorts in congress have added $5b in funding for the wall to a spending bill that has been passed by the House and now faces an uphill battle in the Senate today.

Trump's supporters want the government shut down and the spending bill vetoed by the president if the $5b is not approved. Trump seems to be in agreement with that position after certain fits and starts so we'll see how the Senate votes today. The conservative wing of the party was up in arms when they learned that Trump was not going to push for the funding but has since relented.
With pressure ramping up from the populist orbits around Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, there was only one thing left for Trump to do if he had any designs on getting re-elected come 2020. If they (democrats) don't give Trump his funding for the wall, Trump will close down the government. It will be furthermore referred to as the "Schumer Shutdown."

As if you needed to add anything to this quagmire of quandaries, his defense Secretary "Mad Dog" Mattis has tendered his resignation over Trump's unilateral decision to pull troops out of both Afghanistan and Syria thereby giving the main street media yet one more reason to declare the president unfit and unqualified to hold the office of president.

Did I mention that Secretary Neilson arranged with the Mexican government that any and all illegal aliens wishing to gain asylum in the US will have to wait in Mexico while their cases are being adjudicated. No longer will they have a chance to disappear in the United States with their cases pending. All this winning is killing me! Trump promised us that we would get tired of winning. He was right!