
I got a telephone call from Mrs G last night around 8:30. She was having trouble logging on to her computer. We got the puppy restarted but she couldn't get past the login screen. I couldn't tell precisely what the problem was not being able to see what she was doing but we tried a few things none of which worked. I think she had typed in the wrong password and she didn't know how to delete the incorrect characters. I even tried doing FaceTime with her so I could see her keyboard and maybe help her find the right delete key to use. She finally said something about waiting until the following day when the person at the front desk in her facility might be able to assist her. That's how we left it.


I don't know if Mrs G forgot how to use the delete key or maybe she's never deleted characters moving from right to left or left to right. This is typing 101, no? When she finally found the delete key, she was holding it down instead of tapping it once for each keystroke. I was tempted to go to my computer to restart it and see what she was seeing. I've never experienced the problem that she was having although that's not to say that I won't at some point in my computing experience. I told her to let me know how things worked out. I'm half expecting to hear tell me that it was something simple. I probably should have told her to make sure she writes it down. You know, the solution. The thing.

Not sure where I saw this but I thought I saw something in my travels yesterday about heating oil costing $5 a gallon. That's up from $2 or so just a month ago. This is getting insane. One of the nice things about our home is that we have an electric heat option. We also have a wood stove although I've become less interested in using the wood stove over these past many years. We also live near a nuclear power plant so maybe we're paying less per kilowatt hour when we use electric heat? Living near a nuclear power plant also puts us at ground zero in the event of a nuclear attack so there's that.

So, I think I'm going to call our oil company today and have them take us off automatic delivery. We'll give the electric heat a try and see if that doesn't make a difference. It's not an issue of affordabilty but rather it's my way of fighting back against the Biden Administration whom I hold personally responsible for the outrageous hikes in oil prices not to mention the out-of-control inflationary forces that he and his minions have unleashed on our country in the interest of forcing a green economy on our citizenry. Not surprisingly, Biden blames it all on Putin.

In other words, fuck Joe Biden and the horses that he rode in on. We've never used our electric heat in all the years that we've lived here so this is going to be an experiment of sorts. Each room in our home has a separate control so that's good. We don't need to heat every room although, truth be told, we don't live in a big house so doing that wouldn't be the end of the world. I'm guessing we're like most people who spend most of their time when we're home in just a handful of rooms. We're also not in the middle of winter where this newfangled strategy of ours might work less well.

I'm reminded of the fact that there is a certain equilibrium in the economy that works well when everything is in check. When and where things go awry, like oil prices skyrocketing or the cost of necessities getting out of hand due to inflation, finite resources and the distribution of same go into a cocked hat for better or worse. In most cases, for the worst. You end up spending an inordinate amount of your resources on heating your home or commuting to and from work or both. That leaves a mere pittance for other necessities in your life like feeding your children, supporting your local stores, and maybe putting a few shekels away for a rainy day. It's a vicious and unrelenting cycle of pain.

My heart goes out to people who live on a shoestring of a budget to begin with. Where do they find the extra money to put gas in their cars or heating oil in their homes? I was out for my usual bike ride yesterday and I thought I noticed that there were fewer cars on the road. Who can afford going for a joy ride with gas prices at $5 a gallon? The cars that were out and about were traveling slower in an attempt to keep their foot off the gas as much as possible. I felt bad for the occasional SUV knowing as I do how many gallons it takes to fill those tanks and just how few miles to the gallon that they get.

I have a good mind to talk to the Ev man about only filling his gas tank up half way for the foreseeable future. I've seen stories about people siphoning gas out of cars in the middle of the night because they can't otherwise afford to put gas in their tanks. The Ev man can ill afford to wake up one morning to an empty tank of gas so we should probably start with that conversation. I'm also thinking that it wouldn't hurt to have him park in the upper lot of his facility where there is more light and less of a chance that someone will go unseen if they're out to steal gas. I don't want to scare him but a word to the wise can't hurt in these lean times.

The missus and I woke up to sort of clanking sound around 11:30 last night. It was definitely metal on metal although we couldn't agree on where the sound was coming from. Maybe it was the latch on the door to the enclosure that houses our oil tank that had come loose and was now flapping in the wind. There was little to no wind so that seemed unlikely. If someone was out and about in the middle of the night wanting to steal heating oil then they came to the right place. This is where the man of the household gets out of bed, runs around in the buff turning a few lights off and on just to let the imaginary thieves know that we're on to them, and then goes back to bed after securing the perimeter.

I'll be checking the tank today just to make sure that the tank is still full. Did I mention that I ran the Ev man down to Worcester yesterday? He'll be spending a week away to take care of a few things that he's let slip these past few weeks. Who can't use a little sabbatical from time to time to keep their demons at bay? I was happy to give him a lift although I'd forgotten how miserable driving that particular route is especially in and around rush hour. The traffic wasn't bad but the road itself left a lot to be desired. I found myself slipping in and out of "commute" mode. If that wasn't anxiety provoking enough, there were the rampaging 18-wheelers which have a way of narrowing your focus.

On my way back home, I swung by Mrs G's place. I thought I might take a look at her computer problem. The person she thought might be able to fix it wasn't able to fix it so I figured it wouldn't hurt to have a look-see myself. I've only had to bring my computer for servicing one time in all the years I've owned computers and that was due to a faulty video card. It was the kind of problem that I would have never diagnosed so I had no problem bringing it out for servicing. That is to say, I feel fairly confident that I can solve most issues that come up even if and when I've had never experienced them before.

Mrs G had apparently tried to log into her computer one too many times and it essentially locked her device after the third time. It was an interesting problem and just the kind of problem that I enjoy troubleshooting. This has to be a common problem and if it's a common problem then there must be solutions galore out there on the internet if you know where to look. Right? Then again, there are a lot of rabbit holes one can go down and I went down a few of them when I was looking around for a solution. Going down rabbit holes goes with the territory so I figured this would be a bit of a slog. I wasn't wrong.

Mrs G said something to me about bringing it out for servicing and I thought to myself, not on your fucking life. She asked me how old the computer was and I'm thinking she was probably thinking that the computer was still under warranty and that we might be able to get someone at Apple to give us a hand in finding a fix. She wasn't pacing and she wasn't looking over my shoulder so I appreciated that. It took me about twenty minutes and a trip to the dark side (terminal) before I got her up and running again. Interestingly enough, I had to detach certain peripherals and reattach the peripherals to the actual computer instead of a third-party connector in order to get her mouse and keyboard to work again. All in a good day's work, eh Johnny boy?

This time change thing has my head spinning, I'm up too late and up too early. I hate getting up too early. I end up fighting the urge to go back to bed and it's not a battle that I usually win. Going back to bed means not writing in this here journal and waking up again some time after 9am leaves me wondering where the morning went. Everything is off. I'm doing the journal thing now because it's probably the one thing that I'd regret not doing if I do end up going back to bed. If all of this sounds muddled, it's probably because that's the way I'm feeling. That's what journals are for. Right?

We half expected to hear from the Ev man last night. His parting words to me when I dropped him off in Worcester on Monday were, "I'll call you in a couple of days." He hasn't phoned and the missus is sounding a little concerned. Is he doing so well that he feels that he doesn't need to touch base with us? Have they taken away his phone so he doesn't have the inclination or opportunity to reach out to the people who are maybe responsible for him being where he is? Nothing could be further from the truth. That is to say, the missus and I being responsible for his being where he is. Here's just hoping that he makes the best of his time there. Everything in good time.

We're watching this show on HULU called "Pam and Tommy." Or, is it "Tommy and Pam."? I know who Pamela Anderson is and I recall her from the 80's or 90's as one of many actors or actresses who came out of the Baywatch series and went on to do other things. David Hassenfeld was another one of those characters. Pam was quite the looker and very easy on the eyes to be sure. She was one of a handful of iconoclastic beauties who graced many a poster hanging on the walls of garages, back rooms, and bedrooms of adolescent boys back in the day. I'm a lot less familiar with this whole Tommy Lee thing. Did I even know who he was? I'm not, nor was I ever, a Motley Crue fan so the answer to that question is a resounding "no."

It's a romp of a show to be sure. The acting is superb and there is never a dull moment. I'm learning more about their relationship than I care to know but the show is fun and who doesn't like to watch a fun show? The show does a good job of putting the viewer in a time machine and taking us back to the days when the personal computer, online services like AOL, and VCR tapes were all the rage. It all seems so yesterday. And then there's this Tommy and Pamela porn tape thing that I have absolutely no recollection of whatsoever. Not that it would have crossed my radar but the show makes it sound like it (the tape) was part and parcel of the testosterone culture during that particular time period.

Part of me thinks that those were the good old days. You could enjoy looking at a poster of a scantily clad woman like Pamela Anderson or Farrah Fawcett and not feel guilty about it. Men were all in when it came to the objectification of women and it was free love as far as the eye could see. Think "Woodstock." That all changes in episode two or three of the show when Pam starts to get her knickers in a bunch when the producers are working overtime rearranging her bathing suit to reveal more of her buttocks when all she wants is a speaking part in one or more of the beach scenes they're filming.


She becomes even more incensed once she learns that the sex tape of her and Tommy is being sold on the internet. Things go from bad to worse when Tommy laughs it off as some prurient conquest while she envisions her career going down the tubes. Tommy is nothing if not empathetic and he marshals every available resource to find the culprits responsible for releasing the tape. It's important to remember that had Tommy paid the people who stole the tapes the money he owed them for some carpentry work they did in his home that this never would have happened. I'm guessing that none of this lasts too long so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

This whole Ukraine thing is getting weird. The president of Ukraine, Zelensky, is reaching out to various and sundry countries to see if he can't whip up some support to help he and his fellow Ukranians keep the Russians at bay. He addressed our Congress here in the US yesterday and it was, from a production standpoint, some sappy well produced melodrama the likes of which had to be put together in the back rooms of Hollywood. Some mother fucker, and I don't know who, is trying to drag our country into World War III with Russia. Oh, the tears. Gimme a fucking break.

What if the president of some African backwater came around asking to address our Congress because he and his people have been fighting a decades long battle and the tide was starting to take a turn for the worse. What kind of reception do you think he would get? Would they roll out the red carpet so he could do his dog and pony for the Mitt Romney's and Nancy Pelosi's in our Congress? Not on your fucking life. But there they were yesterday in Congress lining up to take their seats in the theater for this epic speech and movie presented by Zelensky and whoever it is that is funding him behind the scenes.

He seemed to suggest that we (US) would be going to war soon enough with Russia so we might as well jump in now. Who's buying this bullshit? Thus far, it looks like we're still not doing a no-fly zone so that's a good thing. We have no plans to put boots on the ground so that's a good thing too. I'm okay with giving them the tools to fight a defensive battle against their neighbors. They've put up a pretty good fight so far and the Russians have yet to take a major city despite their being in Ukraine now for some three weeks. Not sure how true this is but the Ukrainians are reporting that they have killed three Russian generals to date. Sounds like they're kicking butt and taking names. Good stuff.

Some would say that this is the fight between the US and Russia that has been in the making for years. Don't think for a minute that the people who would profit the most from a fight like this aren't working through their proxies in Congress and elsewhere to bring this thing to fruition. They can care less that Russia has 2600 nuclear weapons, most of which, are pointed at the US. Short of a nuclear holocaust, there are monies to be made and wars to be waged all of which enrich those in what we affectionalty refer to these days as the Military Industrial Complex. When you factor in 10% for the big guy, and I'm referring here to the guy who makes the decision to go or not go, what more do you need to know?

I caught some comments yesterday made by Governor DeSantis of Florida which I found interesting. He was commenting on Trump's actions during Trump's time in the White House as it related to Ukraine. I'm thinking to myself, these are not the comments of someone who is expecting Trump to be a competitor in the upcoming 2024 election. More to the point, they were comments made by someone who was maybe trying to gain favor with the person most likely to win the nomination in the hopes of maybe being selected as a Vice President. Can you imagine DeSantis on the stage in a debate between he and Kamala Harris? This assumes that she would still be on the ticket. Anyway, interesting. At a minimum, this bears watching.

I'm hearing that Biden is planning a trip to Europe in coming weeks to meet with our NATO allies. Here's my take: He and his handlers will find one or more reasons not to make the trip. Can you imagine Biden over there in his mumbling bumbling state trying to communicate with his peers using cue cards and teleprompters? It doesn't get any more ridiculous than that. I mean, who the hell wants to stand on a stage with a guy who can't form a complete sentence without using cue cards and when he isn't using cue cards you never know what kind of insanity he's going to veer off into. Just yesterday, he referred to his Vice President as his "First Lady." This is just whack-a-doodle.

Yep, there's a plan afoot. There were four or five democrats in Congress that came down with Covid yesterday. The Second Gentleman also reported coming down with Covid. Who makes up these fucking titles? He's the husband of the Vice President for chrissakes. Anyway, you can see how the circle is tightening. Biden is at the core of this concentric circle so he is likely to be exposed or even come down with the virus sooner or later. It's a pretext in the making is what I would tell you. It's a scam just like his presidency is a scam. It's all smoke and mirrors. I'm betting you dollars to doughnuts that he never makes the trip and that he uses Covid as a pretext to not make the trip. I would go so far as to say that the so-called aforementioned Covid sufferers are not suffering from Covid at all. More smoke and mirrors.

Have I said anything about this Supreme Court nominee that Biden put up? He promised back in the day when he was running for president that he would nominate a black woman for the court should he be elected. Qualifications be damned. It was going to be a black woman come hell or high water. Imagine for a minute if Trump promised to nominate a white woman to sit on the Supreme Court. The coverage in the media would be wall-to-wall racist racist racist. That's just the way it works in this country of ours. That being the case, you can't argue with Trump when he says that the media in America is the enemy of the people. It would be more appropriate to refer to them as the propaganda arm of the democrat party.

Anyway, Biden got his stooge of a nominee. She's an alleged black activist and BLM acolyte who has spent most of her judicial career adjudicating parking tickets and domestic abuse cases in district court. She's only written one opinion in her role as a Federal Appeals Court judge and that opinion was quickly penned in the days leading up to her nomination so as to be able to say that she had written at least one opinion. So far, so good. Now, we're starting to hear rumors that she has gone particularly easy on child pornographers in her somewhat brief career as a judge. We're also hearing that the records of those cases seem to be under seal and no longer available to the public.

Keep in mind that Biden himself has something of a shady past when and where it comes to children. One only needs to point to the many online pictures and videos going back a number of years of Biden and the children that he seems to be fondling, sniffing, caressing, and some would say, grooming. He just can't seem to keep his hands off them if you're to believe your eyes. They are, for better or worse, displays of affection that are both cringeworthy and out there for the world to see. You know that the parents of these children are just dying a slow death behind their sycophantic and politicallly correct smiles as Biden reaches for their children with his grubby hands, his sad but hungry eyes, and his slow and suffocating breaths.

It's just not a pretty picture. And now, this very same president has nominated someone for our country's highest court who has a particular disinterest in pursuing or putting away criminals with a penchant for sexual crimes related to children. The Senate hearings for this nominee begin next week so we'll see who does and who doesn't seem to think that her record as it relates to crimes against children is a problem. If I had to guess, all republicans will insist that she provide a full accounting of every case revealed thus far and that she release any and all records that have been sealed to date before rendering a verdict on this nominee. As for the democrats, it will be all about equity, inclusion, and the marginalization of the black woman in today's society. Wait for it.

Make no mistake about it. If this woman is put on the court she will be nothing more than a rubber stamp for the democrat party. From what I've seen so far, she doesn't have what it takes to properly adjudicate some of the more difficult cases that she is likely to see come before the court. That's just a fact. How she ends up formulating decisions will be interesting to watch. Not that any of us will have front row seats to watch this train wreck of a nominee but if the court ever goes public we'll get an inside glimpse of just how the sausage gets made. We may decide at the end of the day that we need a mechanism for removing incompetent justices and, assuming that conservatives have a say in that decision, we will thank the baby Jesus for the 6-3 majority that we currently hold.

Looks like the Ev man is going to hang in down in Worcester for another week or so. He's good with everything thus far and if he's good then we're good. He says that they're treating him like a human being whatever that means. Where precisely has he not been treated like a human being? Inquiring minds want to know. He said something about feeling good about having access to the stable thing so he can grab a bite from the vending machines here and there. He should have access to his phone this week as well so I expect we'll be hearing from him more frequently. Who doesn't think that's a good thing.

If we're to believe the progressive talk show moonbats out and about in the ether it sounds like the Covid thing might be coming around again. They say that if it's in Europe then we're two to three weeks away from seeing it come here to the states. Entire cities have been locked down in China because of an alleged resurgence but who believes a fucking thing they hear coming out of the mouths of the communists in that country? The Moderna and Pfizers of the world are out there requesting approval for a third and fourth booster so they can drive up their sales ahead of the second quarters earnings reports. I'm not sure if they've given up on trying to get jabs into the arms of the first and second graders as yet so there's that. I'm not putting any more of that poison in my body. My body, my choice.

I'll keep an eye on the numbers locally (Currently 0 cases) to satisfy myself that the virus is either surging or not. I don't run from it but I also don't go out of my way to try and contract it. In other words, I'm not out there tempting fate. If it gets me, it gets me. Give me a box or two of Kleenex and I'll see you on the other side. If it's anything like the last surge of the omicron virus, I definitely saw an uptick in our community but the numbers came down just as fast or faster than they went up. It came and went in maybe six weeks time. It also seemed to disappear from every state and every community around the same time which was weird. There was none of this hopscotching from one state to another like we'd seen in previous surges. Stay tuned for more panic porn from the Main Street media.