Sandy Bay - Day One

I'm loving it. Take a look at this document, will ya. As long as the music cord doesn't get in the way, I'm good. Good to go, as they say in the movies. Or, as the boys will tell ya, it's all good. Damn, son. We're hunkered down here in Sandy Bay for our second year in a row. I have some new coffee from the store we stop at in Woodstock and it is nothing less than rocket fuel. Get this. I brought my Melior pot but forgot the fucking plunger. Who knew.

I found me some filters below the counter and that did not surprise me at all. This place may be a bungalow as joints go but it is stocked to the gills. They have more silverware in the drawers in this place then we ever thought of having at home. I have a good mind to pocket a couple pieces of silver but that will just never happen. I'm a good boy. Besides, the only criminal activity I engage in, if at all, is to grab a song or two off the internet. That would be free of charge, dude. I just had to have a few Amy Winehouse tunes given her premature demise at the age of 27 so I went foraging on the net foe a flood of her tunes and it wasn't long before they popped up. Someone was good enough to post them and now they are mine. All mine. RIP, darling. So that was that. No silverware but tunes galore. Did I tell you that the WiFi here is the cat's meow? It is just party time 24-7.

Evan is not joining us here this year as he has in years past. He is just up the lake at Chingagook. Has been, in fact, for three weeks. Or rather, will be. We miss that boy. He has been gone for two weeks doing his CIT gig so god bless him. We trust that he is hiding up ok. We even talked about riding up there in the boat and seeing if we can see him having a free swim or something. We agreed that he would probably accuse us of stalking him or something. I guess we would be willing to take that chance just to get a glimpse of him. Where are you boy? Your momma and I miss you.

So the lake is pristine this morning as it usually is in the early morning. The hour is just before 7 and my darling is fast asleep up upstairs. We end up sleeping in separate beds here since the one she likes slumps in the middle with her in it. You can imagine what it does when I hop in. Sleeping apart is a weird sensation and only in Sandy Bay does it seem natural. The wind has died down a bit and the lake is now calm except for the occasional left over ripple slapping up on the shore. Boats in bays to the left and right come alive with a throaty roar and I can hear them taking advantage of the early morning to put in a few laps before the traffic lays claim to the lanes. We'll be doing no such thing until Rollie comes by with the boat later in the day. Until then, it's surf and sun forever.

Got to get me a subject. Got to purge the goat. Got to take advantage of the time I have up here and the hours that I call mine. That is, the pre-dawn hours. The hour of the goat as it were.

I have to say that there is something about the air here in the Adirondack's that is just sweet. Like the sweet sap from the Maple trees in northern Maine, the Adirondack's features air found nowhere else in the world. It is the difference you see in coming across the border from New Hampshire into Vermont and then into New York from Vermont. The landscape is no different but it sure looks different. And, the air here tastes different. You just want to suck it in by the bucketful. It won't put hair on your chest but it will soothe the beast in you. It is the smell of a fairy to the vampires as Sookie would sell it. It must be Sunday if I'm thinking about Sookie. And if it's Sunday, it is time to watch True Blood. We'll have to catch up with that show when we return to our home next week. That's what we'll do.

So the coffee is good; the company is lovely; the air is just right; and the bay and day are shaping up to last a lifetime. It's the stuff that memories are made of. That is why I try so hard to say what I have to say in these early morning tired but lively tirades. Best to get it down in writing so we don't forget. Best to chronicle it for the future so I can look back and relive the day and hour should I desire to do just that. Did I tell you that Nan's sister Debby is coming to day? How long they stay is open to question but they may decide to stay longer than planned once they get  into the swing of things here at the lake. We have nothing to sell. The place sells itself. We'll look forward to seeing Deb and her main squeeze, Will. But the hour is early.

Uncle Rollie was good enough to stop by last night. As he put it, he had a choice of staying home with the dog and getting bitten by mosquito's or coming up to the lake and sitting on the bay. I told him he should have brought the dog. Not sure they want dogs here but if it's just running around outside no one is the wiser. So that is what we did. We talked about old times and things in our lives that stood out. those are the only things you remember. Whether it was Myrna's tapioca with mandarin oranges, which we agreed was better served warm with the oranges still cold, or the times Dad did this or that and, oh yes, you mean you never saw those pictures in the attic of the world war 2 casualties? He never did. And what is this business about Gramps being poor and Dad supporting him. Au contrare. Maybe that is true but it ain't the memory I carry around with me. Gramps was the MAN. He made a mean meatloaf and Rollie understood the moment I said it that it may well be why he likes that darn stuff to this day. Me too, dude. Who knew.

I do like this application on this here iPad. What's it called again? Something writing. According to Rollie, sounds like Carli is holding her own and is heading into 6th grade in the old Glens Falls High School. Good for her. She's a sweet lass and we wish her the best. You go, girl! I do hope this week to catch up on some reading. Got  me some good magazines on the Pad but will try to turn the cheek on those puppies so I can see how General Custer and his charges made out in the Battle of Little Big Horn. Not that I don't know how it turned out but you have to turn the page and let the battle play out in all it's glory. And then, I will turn my attention to the book, Limitless. The movie was terrific so I'm counting on the book to hold it's own. I'm sure it will be fine. I'll look forward to it.

We have no eating strategy for the week although I did bring up a lot of vegetables to have with god-knows-what. Maybe chicken. Maybe hamburgers. Maybe hot dogs. Don't forget the relish, Johnny boy. I think it came as a surprise to Rollie when I told him that we had these great drinking parties out on Long Island in our youth. Those were crazy and wild times. There were no park rangers to move us along and very few if any regulations to prevent us from getting it on. Unless, of course, you consider the fact that we were mostly underage. It just occurred to me that we got the beer back in the day from Mike S. He had a job delivering the darn stuff but it didn't all make it to its destination. No it didn't. I think he lost that gig when the accounting just didn't add up. Where are the cans, Mr S? What did you do with the cans, Mr S? I'll tell you where the cans are. But they never asked me. They didn't know me from Adam. I didn't know me from Adam after having a few cans. That's how good it was. It's memorable now as I think back on it but there were very few memories the morning after back in those days. Just headaches. Headaches and hangovers.

Nancy is up now. She's talking to me from the kitchen but doesn't know that I have ear plugs in and that I can't can't hear a word she's saying. It can't be that important. What can be that important that she needs to tell me while I have my earplugs in? Oh yes, she doesn't know that I have the earplugs in. Something about eating too many brownies and not brushing her teeth yet. Something about when can she call her mother to get Debbie's number. Seems they had some prior miscommunication about the size of the sheets to bring. Oh, the things women  worry about. I wrapped myself in a fitted sheet and slept on top of a bedspread last night so I am not an expert by any stretch. Got another curser coming into the bay now. They are taking advantage of the quiet of the morning to do their thing. It's good for the kids and good for the parents. It is also a full time job.

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