Don't Get Brazen With Me

So, the dems passed their "infrastructure" bill with the help of a handful of republicans in the House. It's just a real "what the fuck" moment for our republic. It's a trillion dollar boondoggle of a bill that has, at best, 10% for real infrastructure. The rest is a hodgepodge of woke bullshit and a down payment on the Green New Deal. Bumbling Biden has a 38% approval rating and was seriously on the ropes in the days and weeks leading up to the passage of this bill. Failure to get it over the finish line would have been the final straw. A death knell by any other account.


I'm not sure what this means for the Build Back Better bill that Biden and his cronies will try to push through in the next two weeks. It's more of the same, but worse. Is our country not already in enough debt? How does one climb out of a 30 trillion dollar black hole of debt? They are never going to be able to stop printing money in order to pay for all of this. That means more inflation, interest rates at or below zero which will hurt the moms and dads living on Main Street with their nest eggs earning nothing, and we'll be a third world country before all is said and done. I think that's the plan.

There is a lot of talk in and around Washington about just how many seats the democrats will lose in the House come next November. It could be a complete rout (60 seats?) and that would not be unusual for a new president's first term. They come into office promising the moon and when they deliver less than what they've promised, it's Katy bar the door for his party in both the House and the Senate. I'm up for anything that puts a crimp in the democrats agenda. We just need the majority and then some. Those Senate seats will be critical as well so I'm counting on candidates like Herschel Walker in Georgia and others to win.

It all seems so far away at the moment but we all know how time flies. Did I mention that my Covid test came back negative? All of that ballyhoo for nothing. Here's the problem. I had a bit of a cold and maybe a bit of congestion in the chest which I haven't been able to shake. Do you think I'm the only person on the face of the planet with these types of symptoms? And what, we all need to march down to our local pharmacy so we can get tested for Covid-19? Oh, and we're not supposed to leave our homes or hug our spouses until we get the test results back? It's sheer lunacy for sure.

This is what we've been reduced to in the age of Covid. We are scared of our own shadows for chrissakes. If we're not scared of our own shadows, then we should be or that is what the medical professionals are telling us. This is really a tale of two pandemics when you consider the fact that half of us think it's nothing more that a seasonal bug that puts the most frail in our society at risk but is not otherwise fatal. The other half are fear mongering mothers who want to put a jab in every arm they see and they want a society that treats the unvaccinated like pariahs.

I don't think I have my head around this Marxist revolution that is currently underway in our country. I think I need to read up on what it all means. I used to think that Marxism was simply the redistribution of wealth within our society. Didn't Karl Marx call for the common man to control the means of production? You know, take it out of the hands of the elite and put it into the hands of the proletariat. Maybe it is a rising up of the working man against the wealth makers who, according to Marxist philosophy, have historically exploited the lower classes of the working man under the system of capitalism. I am just so in the dark.

How can you fight back against something when you aren't even clear-eyed about what's happening in real time? The voters in Virginia sure found a way to do that when they took exception to Critical Race Theory being taught to their children in school. I was up in the middle of the night last night listening to a man on the radio who left the Armed Services in our country because the leadership of the Armed Services has introduced a certain "woke-ism" into the culture. They are now more concerned about racial equity, diversity, and inclusion than they are in preparing the men and women in their ranks to do what they signed up to do: Protect America's interests both domestically and abroad.

Mark Levin has written a book entitled "American Marxism" which may help me understand all of this a little better. I wonder if my local library carries a copy of Levin's book. If I had to guess, I would say that it's a long shot. The schools, and I suppose libraries by extension, are vectors for this nefarious ideology and it's in their best interests to silence any and all opposition. Levin was actually talking last night about some nominee for a post of sorts in the Biden Administration who, if she passed muster in the Senate, would set about closing down conservative voices like FOX, etc.

The lawlessness of the Biden Administration continues. A federal appeals court put a hold on Biden's latest attempt to force vaccines on the general public. I think they said something about Biden's bullshit mandate as a threat to the rule of law or maybe a grave threat to the constitution. Nonetheless, Biden and his minions are pushing forward with their mandate in the face of the court's ruling.

Can you imagine if Trump had thumbed his nose at the court's ruling like this? He's a dictator! He's a fascist! But it's Biden, so it's fucking crickets in the Main Street media. He's betting on this getting tied up in the courts and, with time on his side, he can get buy-in from the woke corporations before the Supreme Court steps in to set the record straight. The lower courts need to step in now and exert their constitutional authority over the tyranny of the Biden Administration.

We are a nation of laws and Biden and his lackies needs to be taken to task for their brazen disregard for the law. Maybe the FBI can take time away from frisking the purveyor of Ashley Biden's diary long enough to do the jobs that they have been tasked with doing. Someone in Biden's inner circle needs to go to jail. As for the diary, do you think there is any truth to the story about her taking showers with her father? How sick is that?

Her father, of course, is Joe Biden. Yes, I'm referring to the president, albeit an illegitimate president, of the United States. Knowing what we know about his alleged rape of Tara Reid, not to mention the many cringe worthy photos of Biden and children that we've all seen over the years on the internet, nothing would surprise me. The fact that Biden is beyond the reach of the law for these and other alleged crimes just because he is president makes his presidency more of a dictatorship than a garden variety one or two term president. It doesn't help that he can't be impeached since his political party, at least for the time being, is in the majority in our nation's capitol.

I've taken a passing interest in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial currently underway in Wisconsin. He's the baby-faced 17-year old who decided that he was going to cross state lines with his AR-15 and, come hell or high water, would help to protect the city of Kenosha, Wisconsin, from the hordes of marauding Antifa and Black Lives Matters rioters who were in the process of laying waste to the city.

He ended up killing two men and injuring one other allegedly in self-defense. The Main Street Media crowd made him out to be the poster boy for white supremacy and vigilanteism. Biden referred to him, and this is really disgusting, as a White Nationalist. It didn't matter that his victims were white. This would be the hill they chose the die on. Juries be damned, he's guilty as charged. None of the criminals laying waste to the city that night got so much as a traffic ticket but the one young man looking to protect his community has to go to jail for his actions. Got it.

There is only one problem. The evidence given thus far would seem to point to the fact that he acted not in a ruthless and irresponsible way but in self defense the night he shot and killed his attackers. The George Floyd contingent is having none of it and is, as I understand it, they are threatening to once again lay waste to the city of Kenosha if Mr Rittenhouse is found innocent. This time, we can only hope that the local constabulary doesn't stand idly by while their city is once again ravaged, it's stores looted and burned to the ground, all while the criminals run in and out of the burning stores carrying big screen televisions and other goods.

This is what they do. This is who they are. They don't refer to them as Biden's brownshirts for nothing. So, this is where it gets interesting. Does the jury in this case do the right thing and render a verdict that is supported by the evidence? Or, do they bow to the pressure and intimidation of the mob and find him guilty?


So compelling has the evidence been that a directed verdict should have been rendered once it was well established by the testimony in court that Mr Rittenhouse acted in self defense. Since that didn't happen, Mr Rittenhouse's fate will now rest in the hands of the jury. I'm not sure where they are in terms of final arguments, etc., but I believe both sides have presented their cases so the end may be near.

Oh, and Kyle Rittenhouse has not been able to raise any funds for his defense on platforms like GoFundMe and Venmo since they have bowed to the mob and declared him ineligible given his so-called white nationalist bona fides. Big Tech strikes again. There are actually stories out there about people who have lost their jobs or have otherwise been penalized for making a pittance of a donation to support the defense of one Kyle Rittenhouse. Again, this is the mob doing what the mob does. Where do I send my check? This has got to stop!

Some have suggested that the best result or outcome of this trial would be if the judge declared a mistrial (with prejudice.) The prosecution has actually done more to facilitate an outcome of this sort and maybe they too are thinking that Rittenhouse getting off on a technicality would put an end to a case that should have never ended up in court. I will admit to enjoying the histrionics of the judge as he lambasted the prosecution time and time again for alleged judicial improprieties. Something tells me that this particular judge has more in common with the local deer hunters than he does with the leftist loons pushing for a guilty verdict for the young man standing trial. We''ll see.

I'm reading this morning about the presidential election in Nicaragua and how it was a veritable blowout for the winner, one Daniel Ortega. If you read the fine print, you'll notice that all of his opponents in the race were put in jail by Ortega. That's how these mother fuckers roll in the countries south of the border. You might also notice that this is what they are trying to do with Donald J Trump since he poses what they would deem to be an existentialist threat to the stranglehold that the democrats now have on power in our government. The pretext, as you might imagine, is the January 6th "insurrection." I'm guessing their two sham impeachments didn't get the job done. He's still standing.

Whether or not Trump is the hands-on favorite to get the nomination is a good question. He's still the lead dog and you know what they say about lead dogs: If you're not the lead dog, the view is always the same. All kidding aside, Trump's MAGA movement is alive and well much to the consternation of the leftists. If he wants this, and I'm talking about the nomination, it's his for the taking. Who wouldn't love to see him on the stage making mincemeat of his opponents in ways that only Trump can? Just knowing what we know about how Biden has torn and continues to tear our country apart, who in their right mind wouldn't be looking for someone to make things sane again?

The missus and I skedaddled up Maine way yesterday on a lark. We got out of the house around 11 and we were walking the streets of Portland, Maine by 1 or so. It was a pristine fall day with colors that you only see in New England laid out by Mother Nature herself, the penultimate impressionist. Hats and gloves were good but not necessary in order to stay warm but we brought what we needed just in case. We stopped into a restaurant in downtown Portland which we've passed a thousand times but never went into for whatever reason. It certainly didn't hurt that as we were passing by street side we watched as diners were being served and the food looked, well, exquisite.

It never fails. We go into a restaurant and the host or hostess tries to seat us in an out-of-the-way spot while more cheerful spots are clearly available. Something, anything, near the windows where we can watch the world go by out-of-doors would be nice. You know, where most of the other patrons are already seated and whom, to a person, look very pleased with their good fortune in having secured such a seat. I assured the missus that there was some waitress or waiter who drew the short straw in being assigned a section of less than desirable seating and they too deserved customers like us who maybe wouldn't object to being treated like second class citizens.

We haven't quite figured out what it is about us that has hostesses and the like thinking along these lines but we were reminded once again of our less than good fortune when they attempted to tuck us away in a dark corner of the restaurant. We were having none of it. We haven't stepped into a restaurant since before this pandemic thing began. Now that we're open to it we're going to insist that our first experience be a positive one. That means getting what we want and not settling for anything less. They either want our business or they don't. We are likely part and parcel of a larger swath of the population who, now that the pandemic seems to be doing less ebbing than flowing, want to get back to doing things like going out to restaurants.

We got the seats we wanted and all was well with the world. The missus got to face the windows looking out onto the streets of downtown Portland with cushioned seating that is almost always a prerequisite these days. My view was toward the rear of the restaurant with the kitchen clearly in view although some distance away. The seats that we were initially offered, and which we graciously declined, were filled soon enough with patrons who looked none the wiser for having accepted their assigned seats. Maybe they came for the food and not the ambience. We wanted both and we wanted both in spades.

I didn't much care for the fact that employees in the restaurant were wearing masks. I cared less about those not waiting on us but having our waitress wear a mask while communicating with us was something of a surreal experience. Missing were the usual smiles, the quirky grimaces, the give and take of expressions that don't involve vocalizations, and eyes that don't feel the need to compensate for that which the mouth should be communicating. It made me less interested than usual in engaging in the typical banter that I'm accustomed to when people take my order table side.

Maybe that meant forgoing discussion of substitutions or other niceties that go along with any normal dining experience. With the mask covering half her face, I found myself pointing to my menu when it was my turn to order. I'm not sure I would have gone there had she not been wearing a mask. Maybe, had she her druthers, she wouldn't be wearing a mask either so there's that.

She also seemed more of an indentured servant than a free wheeling waitress while wearing a mask and that maybe had me feeling more sympathetic towards her so-called "plight." The 20% tip I left at the end of the meal, as I sit here this morning thinking about it, was probably not nearly enough to compensate her for the humiliation she suffered at having to mask up while her customers ate, drank, and did so merrily without having to wear masks.

Just to go on the record, I would have been just fine had she not worn a mask while waiting on our table. Her dignity, assuming that that's what we're talking about here, would have been more important to me than some half cocked notion that we're all going to die if and when we contract the virus. Fuck that! Bring me another stein, wench!

I mentioned to the missus there seemed to be a difference in the look and feel of the pandemic in Maine compared to New Hampshire, or at least on the streets that we were walking in downtown Portland, that was palpable. I think that I was thinking that Maine was maybe where New Hampshire was a few months ago. In other words, here in New Hampshire you see far fewer people wearing masks than we did yesterday in Portland. There were far more stores in downtown Portland that required patrons to mask up and you see almost no stores here in New Hampshire asking the same of their patrons even today. It was like taking a step back in time. It was just weird.

Some national chains, like Starbucks, whose doors were open in downtown Portland to customers while a local coffee shop just across the street from Starbucks, seemed stuck in mire of the pandemic and left their doors closed while serving customers from a take-out window on the side of the building. I wasn't necessarily wanting to sit down in a crowded coffee shop while the missus did a little shopping but it's good to have choices. Anyway, most stores seemed to be open in Portland and I couldn't really tell if any stores were not open due to staffing shortages. Some businesses were boarded up in the downtown area, likely unfortunate victims of the pandemic.

Next week, all eyes are on Kenosha. Oh, and we'll see if this Build Back Better bullshit advances in Congress. Did I mention they put out an arrest warrant for Steve Bannon? You know, Mr War room himself? He'll be going before a Trump elected judge on Monday when he is expected to turn himself in. There is a hue and a cry out in the liberal media to lock up Bannon and every other son of a bitch in the Trump orbit who defies the subpoena's issued by the January 6th Committee in Congress. I'm calling for him to be released on his own recognizance. Suck on that, libs.