Game On

I finally got around to ordering a new biking jacket. My other jacket is so old that I can't even remember when or where I bought it. Maybe it was a gift. Anyway, I was looking around on the internet, and I came across a website that had a few jackets that seemed to be something that might work for me. I don't understand why so many of these jackets have all the pockets on the back of the jacket. You can't even reach into them without taking the damn thing off first. The one I ordered has pockets in the rear as well, but it also has one up front that is easily accessible. I ordered a size or two up since biking in the winter requires multiple layers. I can always return it for something smaller if need be.


One can't wake up these days without seeing a headline about Russia and Ukraine. In Russia, it's all about finding conscripts wherever they can to send to the front in the war with Ukraine. These new conscripts become nothing more than cannon fodder, so you can understand their reluctance. What do you do when you run out of fighting-age men who are willing to go into Ukraine to fight what appears to be an uphill battle if the news reports we see here in the West are true? I don't think there was anybody on the planet who saw Ukraine still standing and standing strong this many months after they were invaded by Russia. Clearly, someone miscalculated. Why that someone is still in charge is a good question.

When all else fails, invite the Iranians in to assist, right? I figured the Chinese would join the fight before the Iranians did, but I was wrong. The stories in the news this morning are about the Iranian drones that are battering cities in Ukraine. They are apparently getting around whatever defenses Ukraine has against such things, so that can't be good. Is this one of those deals where you have some pimple-faced teenager sitting in a bunker in Russia while directing these drones to their targets? I suppose they could just as easily be sitting in Iran doing the same thing. Isn't technology great? And, if they can drop bombs, they can just as easily drop tactical nuclear devices on unsuspecting populations. I'm also not hearing much about the territories recently appropriated by Russia. I thought an attack on the territories was an attack on Mother Russia. No?

Mrs. G was telling us over the weekend that she is now planning to vote for one of two democratic congressmen here in New Hampshire who had paid a visit to her facility while stumping for votes. What the hell, Mrs. G! I thought she was a republican, but, as I sit here thinking about it, she was probably swayed by this nice-looking young man who came on bended knee asking for her vote. He could have been a fucking Martian, truth be told. He showed up, and his counterpart from the republican party did not. I don't think that she was feeling let down by the fact that one of them didn't show up, but she was more than willing to give her vote to the fucking wolf of a demon-crat who showed up in sheep's clothing. I have no words. I'll see if I can't sway her one way or the other between now and Election Day. I still have a few cards to play.

It is really hard to tell how all of these Senate races are going to shake out. I'd hate to think that at the end of the day, we end up with what we have today, which is a 50-50 Senate. The democrats likely already have a plan to steal one or more of the really close races, so we'll need to watch for that. If they plan to back up a truck full of fake ballots to the polling place in the middle of the night, how the hell do you put a stop to that? You simply don't have the time and resources to get over the considerable number of hurdles required before the "winning" nominee is seated and sworn in. On the other hand, if we see a tsunami of Republican and independent voters show up on Election Day, it will be game-over for the swinish dems.

If there is a bellwether state that tells us anything on Election night, it may be the senate seat in Oregon. Or, it could be the senate seat in Nevada. I think Oregon hasn't had a Republican senator in like forever. In Nevada, the current senator is a Latino. If they send her packing, that is going to tell us a lot about how the Latinos have turned their backs on the Democrats for their policies regarding open borders, their failures to stop the flow of fentanyl, their malfeasance when it comes to the economy, and the list goes on and on. We also know that many of the polls out there are out there to suppress votes or, in other cases, to get voters to stay home on Election night. If we do see a red wave, a lot of these close races that are a point or two apart should collapse like a cheap suit with the Republican emerging as the victor. Sweet!

I've already told the missus that it could be a late night for me on Election Day. So much so, in fact, that I urged her to take the following day off just in the event that I keep her up all night. I think she's open to the idea, so that's a good thing. She's not as political as I am, so I'm not expecting her to stay up all night with me. I'm telling you right now, though, if it looks like it's going to be a bad night for the republicans, I'll be going to bed early. Fuck it. I'll not be witness to the gloating of the party that got us to where we are today. And, if that happens, the democrats might well go full fuck-fest on the country with their new "mandate." The people voted, they'll tell us, so they must want more of what we've already done. That will be their battle cry for the next two years as we go into the 2024 presidential election cycle. I just don't know what more there is to do when you've done all you can. Pray?

I was busy as a one-armed paper hanger yesterday, I got a lot done, and I'm feeling good about it. Just stuff around the house, really, but stuff that needed to be done. You know, like putting up storm doors, cleaning bedroom windows, filling and hanging bird feeders, and shit like that. I have a room off our garage that needs tending, so maybe I'll get to that today, and maybe I won't. It's still a little too early to uproot everything in our garden and cut down the usual array of grasses that we have growing hereabouts, so I'll put that on the calendar for later this month or maybe in early November. If the weather cooperates, I might just wash our car. It didn't take the local bird population long to see that we'd filled our bird feeder for the first time in the last three months. Like us, they have a winter to prepare for as well.

I was listening to one of my usual talk shows yesterday, and the host had a guest author on his show who referred to Herschel Walker (Georgia's Republican Senatorial candidate) as "imbecilic." There was zero pushback from the host who, were I to guess, would have objected to that word in some way, shape, or form. He did not, and that made him complicit in what I took to be rhetoric that one uses when they go into the gutter with their speech or actions. I found the word he used so distasteful and disprespectful that it took me by surprise. It was seemingly tantamount to calling Mr. Walker a "dumb nigger." The fact that it's still on my mind this morning should tell you something. It just didn't sit right with me when he said it, and it still doesn't. Herschel is no Mensa member, but he also doesn't pretend to be. I watched him in a televised forum with Hannity last night, and he did just fine. I would welcome him as Georgia's next Senator. I think I'm not alone.

It looks like that clown show of a cyborg, Fetterman, is starting to lose ground to Dr. Oz in the Pennsylvanian Senate race. What the hell is that hump on the back of Fetterman's neck anyway? Did they plant some kind of mechanical device in there to help him process language in the wake of his having suffered a stroke a couple of months back? He's a freak show of a man to begin with, and the lump on the back of his neck is not helping his image. When you see clips on the telly of Fetterman speaking, maybe it's just me, but I'm always asking myself the question, is this particular clip pre or post-stroke? I wouldn't blame his campaign for trying to put a little lipstick on this pig, but you know what they say: You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. I think the good people of Pennsylvania are on to him and can now more easily imagine Oz as their Senator than maybe they could before. That's a testament to Dr. Oz's herculean efforts to win over the hearts and minds of Pennsylvanians.

And, I have to say, is Fetterman's wife the scariest fuck of all or what? I can understand her wanting to come to her husband's side in his time of need, but she is not a good look for the campaign. She actually went after a reporter the other day whose comments about her husband, while unkind at first blush, were actually on point. Maybe she thought that going after the reporter would somehow reignite the magic that their campaign once enjoyed and who doesn't appreciate a woman coming to her husband's side when he is being ostensibly maligned? Unfortunately, she came across as unfiltered and just mean to the bone. You can tell that she feels it all slipping away, and they were just so fucking close to pulling it off. She was going to be the wife of a senator, come hell or high water. If only he hadn't stroked out. The ultimate irony is that her husband's opponent and the likely winner of the senate seat in Pennsylvania come Election Day is a world-renowned heart surgeon. Boom!

Speaking of scary, did you see the video of Jill Biden at the Phillies game in Philadelphia over the weekend? Maybe it was some other game in Philadelphia. Not sure. Anyway, Jill Biden was with a few other people in the middle of the field at the beginning of the game to celebrate I'm not sure what. They were clapping and singing away when the fans in the stands, some 75,000 of them, started singing, "fuck Joe Biden, fuck Joe Biden." It was glorious. She and her entourage just kept doing what they were doing, but I'm quite sure she heard the crowd's raucous rant. She knows all too well how much most Americans hate Joe Biden and, by extension, her. They don't like and will never tolerate politicians who steal presidential elections. The American people are especially intolerant of election thieves who proceed to run our country into the toilet once inaugurated. There is a limit to what they are willing to endure.

If the democrats really wanted to win the upcoming mid-term elections, you would think that they might want to have a word with the leftist fruitcakes that are putting on drag shows for children coast-to-coast. I know, I know. Who in their right mind thinks that drag shows for children is a good idea? I'm not sure that the shows aren't billed as adult entertainment, but they show their hand when they are quick to add that children of all ages are invited to attend as long as they have adult supervision. I mean, talk about explicit. The show I was watching on the telly last night featured highlights of one of these shows just to show how sick they are. Most of the language and video was blurred out because it wouldn't pass muster with the censors. But it's okay for children? This is just one more reminder of what the progressive leftists have done to our country and our culture since Joe Biden stole the presidency in 2020. Parents are having none of it, and rightly so.

I'm not precisely sure what the producers of these drag shows are trying to accomplish. I stared into the blank stares of the mothers sitting in the audience, and they might as well have been attending a birthday party with their children at a local Chuckie Cheese. I saw no signs of rejection or indignation, and one or two of the mothers who did look away here and there were probably looking after their children who had wandered off. I couldn't help but wonder how seeing adults behaving in this overtly sexualized way would affect a young child's mind. Would he or she accept this as normal and look to imitate the behavior in the schoolyard or while playing with friends? There is a reason you don't give pornography to children, or even teenagers, for that matter, so why should this be any different? Then you have the sexually sordid books that are being introduced to children in elementary school these days, and you can see a pattern emerging. It's a sickness brought to you by today's democrat party.

I'll ask the missus to break out her lentil soup recipe. It's time. Summer is over, and it's time to get in shape for the long winter ahead. I may or may not have some extra snow-blowing to do, so I'll want to make sure I'm in shape should that come to pass. I'll need to eat fewer carbs and more protein. I'll need to eat less candy and more fruit. I think I'm in a good place when it comes to getting exercise but lifting weights here and there wouldn't hurt. It's all about resisting and pushing back on old habits that were front and center this past summer. If I'm smart, I'll walk over to my refrigerator when I get up from my chair here, and I'll throw away any mayonnaise and butter that I have left over. The missus barely uses either, so she'll not miss them. She asked me the other day how much I weighed. That's her way of saying it's time. Isn't that what I said? Don't get me wrong. I'm happy to make the sacrifices. I'll be even happier if I lose the weight I want to lose. Maybe, more importantly, I'll lose my desire for the things that I shouldn't be eating. God willing.

I was telling the missus last night that instead of piling blankets on top of ourselves every night just to stay warm, we should just buy a down comforter. The blankets are so heavy sometimes that it's a bit of a chore to turn over if that is what one is inclined to do during the night. They actually sell weighted blankets here and there because there's something to be said for having a heavy blanket on you at night, but there is probably also such a thing as having too many blankets on top of you. We're now used to having a lot of blankets on us, and I worry that having nothing more than a down comforter on top of us will not get the job done. We'll be warm enough, but will we be snuggly warm? You know, snug as a bug in a rug? Sorry, don't mean to go full Dr. Seuss on you, but this blanket thing is real. It's all about improving one's life one day at a time. Tomorrow, it will be something else. But, today, we're talking blankets and comforters. Let's see what L.L. Bean has on sale.


If either Dr. Oz or Mastriano don't win their races for the Senate and the Governorship in Pennsylvania, respectively, it won't be because Sean Hannity didn't do his job trying to get them across the finish line. Oh, and you can add Hershel Walker in his bid for the Georgian Senate seat to that list as well. Hannity has been doing live town halls all this week on his prime-time show on FOX with the candidates. I might have liked to see a little more audience participation, but he only had an hour with the candidates, so I think there simply wasn't enough time. I have to say, all the candidates did a great job. Walker was surprisingly conversant on the issues of interest to Georgians, Oz demonstrated that he had an excellent understanding of the multitude of issues facing Pennsylvanians, from Oxycontin to fracking, and Hannity gave them sufficient time to air their thoughts.

I thought there was an equal time sort of thing with the networks where if Hannity gives these republicans x number of hours, he has to provide democrats with an equal amount of time. Maybe it's considered a political contribution by FOX, and that wouldn't include an equal-time provision. Whatever. Speaking of surprises, I was a little surprised to hear the term "carbon footprint" come out of Oz's mouth last night while on stage. Isn't that part and parcel of the vernacular used by liberals when espousing the benefits of a zero-carbon environment? Maybe this is one of the concerns that I've been hearing from conservatives when it comes to Dr. Oz. Is he, or is he not a true conservative? Is he the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing? Tell me he's not going to vote with the damn democrats from time to time if he gets to the Senate. He's got a lot to prove to a lot of folks if and when he gets there, so, for one, I'll be watching. My idea of climate change is what I see every day when I get out of bed. Oh, look, honey, the sun is out today. That's a nice change from the cloudiness of the last few days.

The missus asked me why Hannity wasn't doing a town hall with Don Bolduc, the fellow from our state looking to replace the democratic senator, Maggie Hassan. I told her that I wasn't sure. I'm not even sure that he doesn't have a town hall planned with Bolduc. I will say that most senate races seem to be pretty close, but I'm not sure that's true of the Hassan-Bolduc race here in my state. Hassan is allegedly ahead by maybe a good few percent, so that may explain why Hannity isn't coming to town anytime soon. I would also say that Hassan has been considered one of the more vulnerable senators when all of this began, so if Bolduc can't capitalize on that, then it might well say something about Bolduc as the candidate. If we do see a red wave, it could sweep in all of the republicans running, including Bolduc. Hassan has voted with Bumbles close to 100% of the time, so she deserves to lose her seat based on the damage that Biden's policies have inflicted on our state and others across the fruited plains.

There does seem to be desperation in the air if you listen to various radio and television outlets that spew liberal progressive nonsense. It reminds me of the panic that the liberals had when Trump won back in 2016. They thought that Hillary would be president for four years, and that would give them another four years to build on the leftist agenda started by Obama during his eight-year term. The finger-pointing and back-biting is just incredible. They thought they had this thing wrapped up when the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v Wade. They were going to keep the House and Senate, and the women of America would carry them across the finish line by going to the polls in droves to tell the politicians to keep their hands off their bodies. My body, my choice! Abortion is the hill they would die on. It just so happens that the American people have other concerns that have nothing to do with killing babies.

There is another issue coming to the fore just in time for the upcoming midterms. It looks to me like the Biden Administration is getting ready to add the Covid vaccine to the list of vaccines that are required of every school-age child in America. In other words, if your child doesn't get the jab, they can't get into any school in the land. Can these ass clowns in the Biden Administration get any more devious or conniving? We're talking about a vaccine here that won't prevent you from contracting the virus, and it sure as hell won't prevent you from transmitting the virus to someone else. I thought they were all about following the science. I guess that's true until they have a different agenda, whatever the hell that is. Maybe it's big pharma lining the pockets of the people making these dictums. Maybe it's the Communist Chinese being in bed, as they are, with the Bidens and the 10% for the big guy stuff, who the hell knows?

This has to be stopped, and it has to be stopped now. I love this as an issue for the republicans to run on. Who can't relate to keeping your children safe and away from things that can potentially harm them? The risk-reward calculus favors not giving this vaccine to anyone under a certain age. You read accounts in the newspapers every day about young people dying without any obvious cause. The unspoken truth is that most, if not all, of these deaths, are in young people who have received one or more jabs. Jabs that were most likely required by their employers or institutions in order to stay employed, etc. None of the articles written even hint at the jab being a contributing factor to the untimely death. This is the power of big pharma. Mr. and Mrs. Senator, if you promise parents that you will not condone or allow this in your state, the election will be yours for the asking. Florida is ahead of the curve on this issue. Good for them.

My biking coat arrived in the mail yesterday. At first blush, it seemed okay. I liked the color, and the material seemed like it would provide the necessary warmth in the coming colder months here in the Northeast. It wasn't long before I was finding things that I didn't think I could live with longer term. I was pleased that the jacket had a nice little zippered pocket in the upper part of the front of the jacket, but I quickly discovered that the pocket was so small that its utility was questionable at best. When I went to zipper up the main zipper on the jacket, I found that the zip thingy was on the left-hand side of the coat. It felt so weird just trying to get my hands in a position to zip the coat that I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to do it. And then there were the sleeves. They were way too long, but I convinced myself that I could just roll up the excess material, and it wouldn't be any great shakes. I'm not even going to try it on again this morning. There are simply too many hurdles to get over were I to keep this coat. Too many things to remind me that it's not something that I'm wanting to lament or regret were I not to send it back. So, back she goes.

I was telling the missus that I feel bad for Liz Truss. Ms. Truss was the Prime Minister of Great Britain for maybe 45 days. She set the record for the PM with the shortest term in the history of Great Britain. I don't follow politics across the pond, generally speaking, but ever since Brexit, I've become somewhat more attuned to the ebbs and flows of their politics. Ms. Truss was the last PM to shake the hand of the Queen before death ended the Queen's 70-plus year of reign. Nobody knew how competent or incompetent Ms. Truss would be once in office, but everything seemed to turn to shit in a hurry under her leadership, so that only hastened her demise. Was it merely a matter of her political party cutting its losses? Probably. I liked what I saw in Ms. Truss, at least initially. She had what I thought to be a "grab them by the balls" attitude that doesn't look good on most women, but she wore it like a badge of honor. It's just too bad we never got to see what she was really capable of doing.

Why is Bumbles Biden sticking his nose where it doesn't belong again? I'm seeing a headline here and there about the Biden Administration's questioning Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter. Elon has his fingers in a number of pies, from flying satellites over Ukraine to his more recent interest in purchasing the major social media platform, Twitter. Oh, did I mention that he is the CEO and founder of Tesla? Anyway, what Bumbles is trying to do here is to slow down Elon's closing of the Twitter deal just long enough to keep it in the hands of Biden's leftists until after the election. That will give the Bidenista's the time they need to influence as many democrats as they can to get to the polls and vote for his party come November 8th. Power has its advantages, and if you wield it properly, it can be as effective as you need it to be. Make no mistake about it. These social media platforms, from Twitter to Facebook and Instagram, just to name a few, are working overtime on behalf of their democrat overlords to sway this election in their direction.

I wonder how the financial markets are going to fare today. If the past few Fridays are any indication, the market should end up in the red today. I'm seeing something about option expirations potentially being a driver today, but I'm not sure how all of that works, so we'll leave that there. Bonds have been going vertical as of late, so that can't be good for equities. Right? The yield on the ten-year Treasury has gone from 2-something percent twelve months ago to 4-something percent just yesterday. Why would you take a risk on equities with a potential 20% downside when you can get a guaranteed 4 percent something return on your Treasuries? Oddly enough, equities are holding their own, meaning that they're not necessarily going gangbusters, but they are also not going into the proverbial dumpster. We've seen an orderly decline in the equities market since the beginning of the year, and, if you're to put any stock whatsoever in the VIX, it looks like we're in for more of the same in this inflationary bear market we're in. Cash is king?

There is a so-called "bust" component to bear markets should it come to that, and maybe housing is the canary in the coal mine that will get that party started. We've seen mortgage rates go from 2% to 7% in the space of twelve months. Who the hell is going to buy a home with a mortgage rate that high? You'll pay more for your home, and you'll get less house for your money. If you are currently in a home and paying a 2-plus percent mortgage, why would you trade that in for a higher mortgage? With fewer homes selling, that results in layoffs of realtors, mortgage brokers, and everyone else right down the line. With fewer homes changing hands, businesses like Home Depot and Lowes take it on the chin. If they are selling fewer washing machines, that affects manufacturers like Whirlpool and others. With interest rates going up thanks to the Federal Reserve's mismanagement, people are less inclined to add unnecessary purchases to their credit cards. You see where I'm going with all of this. Anyway, just keep an eye on housing. It could be instructive.

Bumbles Biden traveled to Pennsylvania yesterday to raise money for the struggling "Fetterman for Senate" campaign. I caught a few video snippets of Biden and Fetterman meeting up on the tarmac, and it wasn't pretty. Fetterman really does look like that character in the movie, Shrek. He was a hulk of a man standing aside a frail and failing Bumbles Biden and a few other "dignitaries" on the tarmac. They showed Bumbles shaking Fetterman's hand, and it appeared that Bumbles said something out of earshot of the microphones, but there were no words coming out of Fetterman's mouth. He was likely incapable of processing the moment, and, if I had to guess, I would say that he had been practicing these very simplistic gestures in order to put a good face on what was a veritable shit show going on just beneath the surface. Biden knows a vacant look when he sees one since he sees that very same look looking back at him in the mirror every morning. I mean, who doesn't say something to the president of the United States when you are face-to-face with the man who has come to town to show his support for your candidacy?

Meighan McCain tweeted yesterday that she had never been to a rally where the candidate never spoke a word. McCain is the long-deceased John McCain's daughter and, if I'm not mistaken, a republican. I'm not sure why she would be at a John Fetterman campaign, but that's a story for another day. Maybe someone made the observation, and she was just repeating it. But, this is where we are with the Fetterman race. What the hell is he going to do in his upcoming debate if he can't even get words out while speaking to the President of the United States? Will he be afforded a device or two to help him process what he's hearing? How will he formulate his responses if he can't manage to organize his thoughts? How will we know that the responses we do get from him aren't the responses from the man behind the curtain making his very appearance on the stage possible? It smacks of deception and skullduggery. I'd have more respect for the man if he canceled the debate outright.

I'm running a little longer than usual this week with this here blog post. There's a lot going on, I suppose. One thing I did not have on my bingo card was having Tudor Dixon winning the gubenatorial race in Michigan. We ain't there yet, folks, but that race is now neck-in-neck so it may well tip to Tudor if we see that red wave we've all been talking about. Wouldn't that be fucking great! Then, if Zeldin wins the New York gubenatorial race, that will be two blue state strongholds turned red. I think the gubenatorial race in Oregon is in play as well. Oregon has had a democratic governor for the past 50 years give or take. Holy shite, boys and girls! We are on the precipice of taking it all back. We are going to spank the democrats and spank them hard. Now, all we have to do is show up. At the polls, I mean. Let's fucking do this!