Lead Dog

Xi Jinping is in Russia this morning to meet with Putin. Xi is ostensibly looking to broker a deal to bring the Ukraine war to an end. Bumbles is going to be so mad if Xi pulls this off. Bumbles has sent hundreds of billions of our hard-earned tax dollars to Zelensky and the oligarchs in Ukraine so he and his cronies in the Democrat party can prop up one of the most corrupt countries on the face of the planet. Don't forget ten percent for the big guy. Bumbles has never looked more pathetic and inept as the Ukrainians lose city after city to the Russians despite their logistical and financial support from the West. For the sake of the Ukrainians and world peace more broadly, let's hope Xi is successful.


I want to steer clear of listening to any liberal talk shows this week as they are likely to be giddy with glee as the District Attorney in New York City indicts Donald J Trump. You know, that guy. The forty-fifth president of the United States. There has never been a more serious breach of our judicial system in our Republic's 245 years of judicial jurisprudence. Tell me again that this has nothing to do with paying off a sleazy porn star. We all know what this is about. It's about destroying your political opposition so they can't beat you in the upcoming presidential election in 2024. This is what the Democrats do when they have complete control of the judiciary. Don't think for a minute that Bumbles Biden's hands aren't all over this sham of an exercise. Well, the people who are propping him up anyway. For what it's worth, here are my two cents: What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Or, more to the point, payback is a bitch.

Trump urged his followers to protest should he be perp-walked into a downtown New York City courtroom. If I'm not mistaken, it is our right as Americans to protest as we see fit. We don't even need an excuse to protest. Grab your pitchforks, placards, and friends and relatives, and get down to City Hall or wherever to let your voices be heard. The problem with this approach is obvious to anyone who knows how this all works. We've seen it firsthand in places like the January 6th "Insurrection" in 2021 when Federal Agents and their brownshirts, Antifa, showed up in plainclothes to inflame and criminalize an otherwise peaceful gathering in order to cast the activities in the worst possible light. If they can add the charge of inciting a riot to Trump's already ridiculous list of laws that he's allegedly broken, all the better. Be careful out there.

I never thought I'd find time to get my bike ride in yesterday, but I did. Between standing by to be available for my missus while she was assisting a friend with purchasing a new iPhone and having a little lunch with the Ev man, I wasn't sure I would have time to get out for a ride. I even stayed home while Ev went out to pick up a burrito for lunch so that I'd be available should the missus call me with a question. Sometimes, I have to be careful not to let the opportunity to get my ride in slip away with the passing of the day. The later it gets in the day, the easier it is for me to talk myself into not going for a bike ride. This is especially true on days like yesterday when temperatures were in the thirties, and winds were gusting up to 40 mph along the coast. I'm not complaining. I got it all done. I enjoyed my time with the Ev man and was happy to be there for the missus when she needed me.

My biggest regret yesterday, and I don't typically spend much time regretting things, is that I ate the brownies that the missus brought home with her from her trip to Massachusetts. I've been so good about not eating sugary things and things that bump your blood sugar in the night that it's notable when I lapse as I did yesterday. The scariest part was that I did it so mindlessly. They say an occasional cookie or treat won't kill you so that makes me feel a little bit better. Not a lot, but a little. I'll keep telling myself that I'm not going to give up everything I've gained, or lost in this case, just because I had a little brownie. I'm not on the precipice of some hellacious sugar bender like a junkie with a baggie full of fentanyl and a bottle of scotch. Not that I'm looking to cast blame, but what the hell was the missus thinking bringing brownies into our house?

I heard someone bring up the issue of Trump and his Secret Service detail and whether or not he will lose the detail if he is denied bail and put in prison. I'm thinking to myself; this is a joke. Right? Are they really going to deny Trump bail on an indictment that is made up out of whole cloth? I'm actually starting to have my doubts about Trump even being arrested. It's just too much of a stretch the more I learn about what they plan to charge Trump with when all is said and done. Even Alan Dershowitz says that it's a joke. Not in his fifty years of teaching and practicing law has he seen this sort of thing, or so he says. That's pretty much the sentiment of most people who know what the democrats are up to here. It's no more than an extension of the January 6th Committee, and they want Alan Bragg, the NY District Attorney, to do what they couldn't: Lock Trump up. Put him in an orange jumpsuit. Put him behind bars. Dirty him up good so he can't run for president in 2024.

Did you happen to hear DeSantis's comments about the rumors of Trump's imminent arrest? Talk about milqtoast. It was actually worse than that. He stood at the podium and made a point of repeating the business about "hush" money and "prostitutes" a couple of times just to ensure that if you didn't hear him the first time around, you surely did the second time around. With friends like this, who needs enemies? Right? I used to think that Trump might have DeSantis on the ticket as his Vice President, but it's clear to me now that DeSantis is in it to win it all by his lonesome. He's ready to cut the throats of anyone he sees as a competitor, including Trump. I've got news for Governor DeSantis. Without Trump supporters, he'll never see the White House unless and until Trump sends him a postcard from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue after he wins a second term. I wonder if DeSantis has any idea just how bad his little speech came across to Trump supporters across the country.

So, what's it going to be, Jerome Powell? Will you raise interest rates 25 basis points or 50 basis points? I guess we'll find out later today or tomorrow. Some think the latest bank bailouts will have the Fed pausing or passing on another increase when the Fed head, Powell, steps up to the podium today or tomorrow. A lesser know fact, especially when it comes to the bailout of the Silicon Valley Bank, is that many of those bailed out when our Treasury Secretary, Yellen, announced that all deposits would be covered in full, were high rollers and the elite of the elite.

In other words, Yellen bailed out the bank to ensure that the wealthiest of the wealthy didn't lose a nickel in the collapse of the institution. The rest of us will now be on the hook to pay for that by getting banged with higher bank fees and God only knows what else. We're left holding the bag, and that just ain't right. If Powell takes his foot off the gas when it comes to raising interest rates because of Yellen's bending over for the elites, inflation will only go higher from here, and we'll have the likes of Yellen and her sort to thank for higher prices of just about everything under the sun going forward.

Today is the day, according to the Daily Mail. The day that will go down in infamy. No, it's not Pearl Harbor. It's the day the Daily Mail says that Donald J. Trump will be indicted. Donald J. Trump, the former 45th president of the United States. How does a British rag know about such things? I thought it was illegal for the District Attorney's office to leak such things. Did I mention that Rand Paul, Senator from Kentucky, says that this Bragg guy should be put in jail for indicting a former president of the United States on such flimsy evidence that they apparently think is the crime of the century. The order to indict Trump no doubt came down from the White House to find something, anything, to take Trump out of the race. He's dominating in the polls and would likely prevail in a head-to-head race against the feeble and demented Joe Biden in 2024. The Democrats have worked too hard to secure their power to let Donald Trump come in and undo everything Bumbles has done since 2020.

If anyone around the world has any doubts about the United States and what our country has come to in the wake of the stolen election in 2020, they need to look no further than what our judicial system is planning to do today to a former president of our once great country. George Washington, our first president, must be rolling over in his grave. The tyranny that so many of those who came before us fought to prevent by giving us our Constitution and, in many cases, their lives to protect and preserve, is now upon us. This clarion call by the Democrats of "no one is above the law" rings hollow in the ears of people who know the law and know that what the Democrats are doing today has nothing to do with the law. What they say about grand juries indicting ham sandwiches is also true, and it is especially true when we're talking about where these indictments are coming from. The liberal sewer that is New York City couldn't be more obliging to a Democrat party that wants, and has always wanted, to see Donald J. Trump behind bars. Today is their day. The bars part will have to wait.

This may be the beginning of something much bigger than Donald Trump if that's even possible. This may be the beginning of the Democrat's purge of any and all MAGA republicans from the political landscape. You know how that works. It won't end with MAGA republicans. You may be familiar with the saying that the Jews used back in the day when Hitler came for them. They came for the protestants, and I said nothing. They came for the Catholics, and I said nothing. You see where I'm going with this. How many despots in the history of despots around the world secured power over their political foes by jailing, demonizing, murdering, and casting them as enemies of the state? Anyone watching the January 6th Committee and what they did, and continue to do, to republicans, conservatives, and MAGA types should tell you everything you need to know about the tactics the Democrats are willing to employ to secure and keep political power. When they tell you who they are, you'd best pay attention.

If we ever needed more evidence that denying Merrick Garland a seat on the Supreme Court during Trump's first term was the right thing to do, just look at what he's not doing today as some derelict Soros-funded District Attorney in New York City indicts a former president of the United States. Now Attorney General Garland could step up to the podium today, and he could announce to the world that this is not who we are as a country. He won't because he is just another cog in the leftist wheel of power in our nation's capitol. Thank the baby Jesus Donald J. Trump had the opportunity to select a conservative to sit on our highest court instead of the fool Garland, who Obama nominated. When you consider that rumors persist that it's not Biden, but Obama who is pulling the strings behind the scenes in the White House, it all starts to make sense. Hillary was supposed to carry the torch for the Leftist movement started by Obama when Obama left office, but Trump upset that applecart. They are playing for keeps this time around. They are playing for all the marbles.

Well, so much for Trump's indictment. I'm fast-forwarding twenty-four hours, and his so-called looming indictment looks like it may not happen. It sounds like the Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, failed to provide the Grand Jury with certain exculpatory evidence that would clear Trump in a New York minute. I don't have all the facts at hand, so I'll not get my hopes up too high because you should never underestimate the looniness of the left when it comes to wanting to see Trump behind bars. I do think that we'll see one way or another today since the Grand Jury is scheduled to meet this morning in downtown Manhattan. I also hear that the DA's office is in a bit of a tough spot since many of Bragg's fellow prosecutors disagree with Bragg's pushing for this indictment. Not because they like Trump but rather because it's a weak and ridiculous case being brought against a former president of the United States. It's not how our judicial is supposed to work.


The lefties are not going to be happy if Bragg drops this case. George Soros, who donated a million dollars to help put Bragg in office, is not going to be happy to see Bragg drop this case. They'll move on, of course, to other pending cases against Trump as they always do. I'll try to tune into Sirius this morning to listen to the loons sitting behind the microphones on the progressive stations before the case is actually dropped with the hopes of hearing the whining and the gnashing of teeth as they sense that the case is slipping away. Slipping away like every other tantalizing indictment against Trump that never materialized. Who is this toady of a prosecutor in Georgia wanting to bring RICO charges against Trump and others who allegedly conspired to overturn an election? What's her name again? Winnie? Whiny? Fannie? Finnie? I can hear Trump now: Make my fucking day. He'll destroy that piece of shit just like he is now about to take Bragg out with the trash in Downtown Manhattan. Trump did tell us that we would get tired of winning. He wasn't wrong.

I saw Tudor Dixon (Republican candidate for governor in Michigan in 2022) on the telly last night. She was telling we Americans about how the State of Michigan is offering tax incentives to China to build a factory in the middle of the State. It isn't bad enough that we have to hear story after story about the Chinese government buying up property across our country? Many of the sites are within spitting distance of military installations and other secretive governmental sites. I saw some footage on the telly the other night of Chinese Nationals coming across our Southern border along with other illegal aliens from other countries across the globe. What the fuck is going on?

Ms. Dixon went on to explain that the agreement with the Chinese relating to the factory in Michigan stated that there would be a contingent of officials from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) allowed to operate within the confines of the acreage housing the factory. So, now we're actually inviting the CCP to reside within the boundaries of our country? The same CCP who is the sworn enemy of our country? The same CCP who rules their citizens in China with an iron fist? Get out of town! No, really! Get the fuck out of town! Where's Bumbles?

Why has there been an almost virtual blackout of Xi's visit to Russia? I'll tell you why. Because it exposes just how weak and pathetic Biden and his cast of fools in the White House have been when and where it comes to their foreign policy chops. Xi and Putin are forming military and economic alliances with other countries around the globe, and the United States has no seat at the table. The Chinese and the Russians have agreed to conduct business utilizing their own currencies to the exclusion of the US dollar, which weakens the US dollar on the global stage.

NATO is weak and getting weaker by the day as Russia pushes further and further into Ukrainian territory by the day. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Elections have consequences, and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. Joe Biden has no seat at the table because none of the world leaders want Joe Biden at the table. Consequently, America has no seat at the table. The mainstream media, Biden's pretorian guard, won't tell you that, but I will. This is part and parcel of Joe Biden's deal with the devil when he and his extended family got in bed with the Chinese Communist Party. America is paying the price for Biden's treasonous ways.

I'm getting so tired of all of this trans this and trans that nonsense. I've so lost track of what it all means. The missus and I were watching a show on the telly last night, and someone used the term "deadnamed." I said to the missus, "what the fuck is deadnamed"? She informed me that that term is used to describe the name you and others use to refer to yourself before your transition. I assumed by "transition," she meant before you switched genders. Not that you can do that because you are what you are, so maybe we're just talking about what or who someone thinks they are. Again, I'm talking about boys and girls—maybe, more to the point, men and women. Don't get me started on this cis male and cis female bullshit. Why the hell are we turning our world upside down for a population of these folks who, at last count, were but a pee hole in the snow, statistically speaking? I'm guessing it has something to do with distracting us from the things that count, and none of that bodes well for Biden et al.

I wish Yellen and her people in Washington would stop fucking around with the financial markets. If the market is going to drop a thousand points in the space of three or four minutes at the end of any given day, then maybe they should just let it unfold organically. The DJIA was up some 500 points during the morning yesterday, then turned negative in the early afternoon, and only started to turn northward again when Yellen reversed her position on bailing out banks and their depositors in the event of a default. You know when you see these kinds of precipitous drops or reversals, especially at the end of the day, that someone behind the scenes is doing something to produce a particular outcome. That outcome, more often than not, is one that favors investors and, more importantly, investor sentiment. It is every bit the proxy that the government would have you believe that it is, that is to say, a proxy for the economy and the well-being of the consumer. If you are a bear, you want to see the bottom drop out of the market. You want to see capitulation and any and all froth taken out of the market. Only then can we start to see green shoots and the start of a new bull market.

I finally got into ChatGBT yesterday. That is to say, I signed up online and made my first request. It was pretty cool. I shared the result of my first query with my brother from another mother, and he started whining about it being nothing more than a template-driven process. I suppose to some extent, one might see it that way. I told him to stop being a damn Luddite. I told him I could have it do a few more things that he might find more interesting. I'll admit that my first query was pretty lame. I asked ChatGBT to write a sympathy letter to my brother for the loss of his beloved family friend and pet parrot, Betsi. He has no parrot, of course. I asked that the letter include the fact that Betsi loved to eat Fruit Loops. My brother asked that I resubmit the letter request by changing the parrot to a dog and the Fruit Loops to Puffed Wheat. I thought the results were sufficiently different to suggest that it was not template-driven, but my bro disagreed. ChatGBT is so much more than that. It's wicked smaht!

I had a good mind to suggest to the Ev man that he have ChatGBT write a nice birthday card to his mom. I thought it might be interesting to see what that looked like. I wasn't wanting to take the Ev man off the hook by having ChatGBT do all the heavy lifting but really just for kicks more than anything else. The more I thought about it, the less I liked the idea. ChatGBT couldn't possibly come up with the twists and turns of phrases that the Ev man is so famous for when it comes to writing notes, cards, and the like. I'll admit to being a little partial to his writing skills since he is our son, but I don't think I'm speaking out of turn when I say he has the stuff. You know, the stuff. I was so convinced that turning to ChatGBT for shits and giggles was not a good idea that I never brought it up with him. I think he gets as much satisfaction, if not more, from writing the cards as we do from reading the cards that he writes. Does that make sense? He makes it look so effortless. I'd like to see him start a journal or something, but he's shown no such inclination to do so. Maybe someday.

What a hoot. The Ev man sent me a text and asked that I share it with his mom. It read as follows: "No more Ragnar." He had shaven off his stubble of a beard, a goatee really, as a present to his mom on her birthday. Not sure what possessed him to do that but do that he did. I don't think we indicated to him one way or another that we were pleased or displeased with his appearance when we said he reminded us a bit of Ragnar Lodbrok as he sat in the chair in the corner of our front room wearing a wool hat and sporting a stubble of a beard. Maybe there was some telepathic shit between the two of them that moms and sons share that I completely missed. Did the Ev man feel bad that he had no gift for his mom on her birthday? If he did, he didn't say so. It's not like he felt bad that he didn't have a gift for and I did because I didn't. We're in the doghouse, Ragnar and me. Again. Well, me, anyway. For the umpteenth time.

There was another yet-to-be-explained explosion overnight somewhere in Pennsylvania. An explosion in a chocolate factory killed two workers, while seven other workers have gone missing. I don't know what's going on with all of these unnatural mishaps or worse where we have trains derailing, buildings collapsing, egg farms going up in flames, food factories being destroyed, chocolate factories exploding, and that's just scratching the surface. Is our government trying to desensitize us to what's coming down the pike? Are these self-inflicted atrocities? If we somehow wake up one morning, or God forbid in the middle of the night, to Chinese or Russian warplanes dropping bombs here and there across our fruited plains, will we be more or less comprehending if we've already been exposed to these types of events? It's dystopian, I know. Funny thing is, these things happen, and that's the end of it. We never find out the whys, the who's, or the whats. And what the hell is going on with all of the incapacitated airline pilots? Only in Biden's America, is what I say. God help us.

I was watching this spokesperson from the US military giving his customary midday update to the press yesterday, and he was answering questions from the press about events in the last twenty-four hours in Syria. What a fucking stooge. Our forces had been under attack for the better part of a day or two, with reports on Twitter and other non-mainstream outlets of serious injuries and a number of yet-to-be-determined casualties, yet this clown was playing down the event like it was business as usual. He proceeded to report that these attacks were one or two of maybe hundreds that our forces have experienced since the beginning of the year, implying that it was just another fucking day in Paradise. Just more fucking gaslighting from the assholes running things in Washington, DC. And, then we see Bumbles stepping up to the podium while on a visit to Canada to say that we didn't want any trouble with the government of Iran over these Syrian attacks, or some such schlock. Get off your fucking knees, you feckless fuck. Lay down the fucking law. We're the United States of America!

Who is that little twat, Greta Thunberg? What grade was she in when she admonished the world (How dare you!) that we were facing an existential threat due to climate change if we didn't start to take climate change more seriously? The fifth grade? We cannot let these moronic flat-earthers win the policy wars when it comes to this bullshit. It's worse than a pandemic. I think they start feeding our children this nonsense from the moment they step into the classroom in elementary school, and that has to stop. I read about one township in the state of California that was planning to outlaw filling stations. That's a gas station for the noobs out there. They know there is no longer a hole in the ozone. Right? Remember that crock of hooey? And who gives a shit about polar bears? They'll figure it out. If they don't, maybe they deserve to go extinct. No species gets a free pass to the next generation. If you're worried about more powerful storms, build better buildings. Last but not least, I ain't going into any kinetic war with a country like China which builds two coal-producing plants a day with my little solar-powered this, that, and the other thing. That's a recipe for disaster.

DeSantis hasn't even declared that he's running yet, and he's already flipping and flopping like a fish out of water. I think the official term for the missteps he's been making is "unforced errors." It's so bad that the one network that has embraced DeSantis to date, FOX, has now agreed to allow Hannity to have Trump on for an hour interview next week. Trump hasn't been on FOX since losing the 2020 election, and maybe even further back than that. Fox's banning Trump was not Trump's idea, just to be clear. The latest polls have Trump at 53% or something like that and DeSantis well behind with a distant 20-something percent. DeSantis has actually dropped several points in the polls over the last month or so due to statements and such that he's made here and there. In political parlance, they refer to what DeSantis has been doing in response to his missteps as a "clean-up on aisle 9." I'm now hearing some suggest that DeSantis may want to sit this one out and come back in 2028. He's clearly not ready for prime time. What's this I'm hearing about a Trump rally in Waco, Texas, tonight with some fifteen thousand people queued up to attend? See where I'm going with this?

I've seen enough Trump rallies over the years that I don't feel the need to watch this one tonight since he tends to repeat the same old stories, the same old jokes, and the same old tropes about the media and the swamp creatures in Washington DC. The only reason I may tune in is to see the man take a well-deserved victory lap after trolling the District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, this past week over the much anticipated but now rather questionable indictment over Trump's involvement in a 7-year-old non-disclosure agreement with a porn star. It sounds rather Trumpy when I put it like that. There's only one Trump and another four years in the White House to complete the job he started back in 2016 sounds about right to me. Who knows. Maybe he'll roll out some new material tonight. There's no shortage of grist for the mill, and I wouldn't mind seeing Trump hit one or two out of the park, just for old-time's sake. Maybe he'll roll out a new nickname or two for the lackluster second-stringers vying for the nomination. You know what they say. If you're not the lead dog, the view is always the same.