Checking In

I suppose I should start to give a little thought to getting our garden up and running this Spring. It wouldn't take much. We did nothing last year and that suited me just fine. Not having things to water was a bit of a relief. That said, I did miss having some nice tomatoes as we went deep into the summer months. There's always a tradeoff when you make choices and growing tomatoes or not growing tomatoes kind of makes the point. The good news is that I think I missed having tomatoes last year just enough so that growing some this season will more than make up for not growing them last year.


We have neighbors with a horse farm of sorts who sell fertilizer every year from a makeshift roadside stand on their property. It's homegrown poop is what it is. With the prices of fertilizer worldwide going through the roof because of the war in Ukraine, I was just a little curious as to how much extra our neighbors might be charging for their product. Before the war, or last year as it were, they charged $5 a bag. I noticed in driving by yesterday that the prices were the same but the bags were smaller. That's how they do it. That's how everyone does it.

Maybe it was my imagination but the last time I used a bag or two of their manure in my garden I ended up with a terrific bumper crop of very tasty tomatoes. We eat a lot of salads hereabouts and the missus loves a nice tomato or two on her salads. She'll not buy store-bought tomatoes. Can you blame her? I don't think we had a single salad over the course of the winter with any tomatoes organic or otherwise. We tried them when they looked good here and there but the taste fell short each and every time. After a while you just stop doing what you're doing and wait for a better opportunity. That opportunity is now. Well, within the next few weeks anyway. I'll pick up a bag of fertilizer today. We'll have the plants in the ground by the end of May.

I have a little painting to do here and there around the house. I'm waiting for a favorable stretch of weather without rain in the forecast and with temperatures staying in the mid to upper forties so let's just say it could be any day now. I have the stain I need and the appropriate brushes and buckets so I'm ready to get started. It's not a big job so it shouldn't take all that long. As usual, I'll take a before and after picture for the missus so she can better appreciate the effort and end result. Who doesn't like to wow their missus? She's been talking a lot about blinds for our new window but I'm happy with a sturdy curtain rod and some heavy weight curtains to keep the cold at bay during the winter months.

I took some video yesterday of Mrs G getting up and about at the rehab joint. It was the first time I've seen her on her feet since she went in for surgery some weeks ago. She was moving along a pretty good clip which more than surprised me. Well, a pretty good clip anyway for someone who I've not seen walking in maybe a month's time. The missus tells me that she thinks her mom should probably be pushing herself a little harder but that isn't what I saw when I saw her up and about yesterday. I wouldn't say that she's tripping the light fantastic but it's pretty darn close. I'm glad I got it on video.

Maybe not surprisingly, Mrs G was very interested in seeing the video that I took. She said something about straightening up a little more so she's not hunched over when she walks. Good for her. She knows what she needs to do to get up and running again. Could the video be a tool to help her with her rehabilitation? It certainly looked and sounded that way after both taking the video and having her watch it after the fact. I asked Mrs G if she minded that we send out the video to Debbie-Rah-Rah and she agreed. It was heartening for Ms. Rah-Rah to see her mom back on her feet and kicking butt. Well, it might be a while before she's kicking butt but you get my drift.

I'm waking up to a Nor'easter this morning. I'm a little reluctant to get started in this here journal knowing full well that I could lose everything if a good gust comes along and we lose electricity for even a second or two. I'll try to do a save after every paragraph and that should do the trick. Had I known that this storm was coming down the pike I might have gone a little longer on my bike ride yesterday. If this storm passes through and things dry out a bit I might be back in the saddle sometime after the noon hour. That's wishful thinking on my part. All the same, it's good to have goals.

I've had a good mind to buy a couple of bike tires recently and I had it on my list of things to do this week. I had swapped off the original tires that came with the bike because I thought I might like to have a slimmed down version of tires which would give me an easier ride. I think the jury is still out on whether or not I gained anything from the swap but the tires, or at least the rear tire, is nearly threadbare now so I needed to replace that tire before I get a flat while out on a ride. It just so happened that I had the original tire hanging on a hook in the garage. Why not just throw it on and forget about having to buy a new tire. Right? File that under "The Lord works in mysterious ways."

I was surprised that the missus didn't check in with her mum yesterday. She sent no texts, she made no phone calls, and she sent no e-mails. I even reminded her a couple of times. At some point just before nine last night, I think she decided that it was just too late to call. I could see Mrs G in my mind's eye as clear as day sitting and lying around wondering why nobody called, why nobody stopped by, and why nobody cared enough to take a minute or two out of their busy day to say hey. That isn't to say that someone didn't but nobody from our household did and that's on us. Well, on the missus anyway. I did what I could. It wasn't enough.

A Trump appointed Federal judge lifted the CDC's nationwide mandate yesterday as it relates to the requirement on wearing masks on public transportation. The CDC had extended it for some two weeks after the initial period expired and the Biden Administration happily signed off on it. I'm not a big fan of federal judges rendering decisions that impact the entire country but in this case it's a good thing and not a bad thing. The judge said the CDC had no such power to make these kinds of decisions and any like decisions would have to come from Congress. The left was in a tizzy, of course, and the right was running around giving high fives to everyone in sight. The Biden Administration has yet to file an appeal as I sit here some 24 hours after the ruling came down.

I've done a pretty good job over time keeping my thistle feeder filled and cleaned for the benefit of our resident finches. I ran out of thistle recently and had none to refill the feeder so it went unfilled for a good week or so. It never ran out completely but I was ever mindful of the fact that my finches would be looking for alternative sources of food were I to let it go unfilled much longer. I finally got around to refilling it yesterday and not a moment too soon is what I guess I would say seeing as I am that the Nor'easter is upon us in spades this morning. The finches are happily feeding at the feeder once again and they couldn't care less about the storm. You done good, Johnny.

Joey Bumbles Biden is coming to town this week for some reason or other. He's just such a fucking disgrace that you have to wonder why they let him out in public at all. I saw some video yesterday of Biden at an outing where he was chatting in his senile way to a line of well wishers about Afghanistan or something. He was going off on a tangent as dementia patients will often do on occasion and along comes the Easter Bunny (Secret Service?) to usher Biden off and away before he spilled national secrets or worse. This is the buffoon that will be making his way to my State this week. Will the Easter Bunny be joining him?

I'm thinking of making a sign to take down to where the President is holding his event. There are so many things, so many disasters, that this president is responsible for that I hardly know where to begin when it comes to my sign. Would I ever get close enough to Biden so that he could see my sign? Would he care? Would he have the Secret Service come and take my sign so as not to embarrass he and the First Lady on their first trip to New Hampshire? Would my sign be one of many in a sea of signs sending what we might hope to be just the right message to this senile old fuck? Does he even know how despised he is? I think I want my sign to read as follows: Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences."

I have a leftover wood pile from back in the day when we used our wood stove if only occasionally. It's been sitting there for years. I always knew that I wouldn't be burning the wood but didn't do anything with it in the event I changed my mind. It's good to have an alternative source of heat just in case. Right? I don't know how long wood stays good until it is no longer suitable to burn but, by pretty much any measure, this particular wood pile has seen its best days come and go. It's more of an eyesore than anything else these days so I decided that I would take a trunk load or two to the local recycling center every week until it was all gone. I'm getting there slowly but surely.

I could have paid someone to come and take the entire wood pile. I was trying to envision how exactly that might look. Would they dispatch two or three men to remove the woodpile log by log? Would they have a machine that might just come in and pick it all up in one or two fell swoops? How much would they charge to do a job like this? More often than not I'm looking for something to do these days so taking this job on had some appeal. Enough appeal so that doing it myself even if it took a few weeks was preferable to paying someone to come and do the job. Think of the sense of satisfaction that awaits me when all is said and done. I think I made the right decision. Almost there.

What the heck is happening with Netflix stock? I don't own any but I noticed some Twitter feeds blowing up after hours last night when Netflix stock took a nosedive. I think it lost something like 25% in the aftermarket. Their stock has gone from $700 something to $300 something in the space of five months. I thought this stock was a darling of sorts. That goes to show you how much I know about the company and their stock. If I understand it, it sounds like they had reported a loss of subscribers in one or more previous quarters. That's all it takes for a high flyer like Netflix to start trading like a penny stock? Talk about fickle.

Speaking of turkeys, did I mention that we have a family of turkeys living in our neighborhood? They're around pretty much all the time so there's that. I can't walk out my front door without seeing them here and there around our yard. I don't know that they're around because we have a bird feeder in one or more trees in and around our yard but that is where I find them more often than not. They don't bother me one way or another but I do find that they take some getting used to. We've gone from having zero turkeys around to having maybe a dozen or so around on any given day. I hope what they say about turkey's eating ticks is at least somewhat true.


Will there come a day when I find them to be a nuisance? I guess anything is possible. From all appearances, the males rule the roost so to speak. The male turkeys are quite obvious from the way they strut around with their tail feathers fanned while following the females. It reminds me of those male performance enhancement drug ads that I hear on the radio: If you have an erection for more than four hours you should consult your physician. I don't know the specific parts of the male anatomy but the coloration of the breast and neck area of the male turkeys become almost effervescent with red and blue hues when they're in close proximity to the females. The females, for the most part, seem oblivious to the charms of their male counterparts effervescent or otherwise.

The missus keeps asking me if I can find a clip of the video where Bumbles Biden is giving a speech at a lectern and he turns around after finishing his speech with his hand extended as though he expects to be shaking hands with someone. There was only one problem. There was no one there. Once Biden realizes that no one is there after standing with his hand extended for at least 5 seconds, he turns with his back to the audience and seems to wander aimlessly for a painful few seconds more before heading off to the sidelines. She wants to share the clip with her friend who is a die hard democrat. I'm not sure why she wants to do that exactly, but her friend is such a stalwart democrat and Biden supporter that he might well dismiss her good and honorable intentions as some kind of right wing conspiracy. Nothing could be further from the truth. She doesn't have a QAnon bone in her body.

It's too funny. Demented Joey Biden confided in his pal, Barack the goat herder, that he intends to take on Trump when he is up for re-election in 2024. It is the first announcement of its kind coming from Biden. It also comes as something of a surprise to those in his party who are lining up to run their own campaigns assuming that Joey's name won't be on the ballot. You would also think that such a pronouncement would get a certain amount of attention by the media and elsewhere that goes along with a party's candidate throwing his hat in the ring for re-election. It's so ludicrous to think that he is even going to be stable enough to run much less win in 2024 that this announcement of his has gotten zero traction in the media. The media can put a spin on a lot of things but this re-election thing is a bridge too far.

Depending on which television station you're tuned into during the day or during the evening, you are going to get two opposing views of Bumbles Biden. FOX puts these so-called blunders and so-called whatever's of Biden's on a loop whereas the CNN's of the world never show them at all. It tells you everything you need to know about the power of the media and their ability to weave or leave unwoven stories about political candidates and their shortcomings. CNN and their leftist sisters and brothers in the media have no intention of showing anything that detracts from the narrative that they have worked so hard to cultivate when it comes to Joey Bumbles Biden. Besides, he is the president of the United States and he deserves no less is what they would tell you.

On one hand, you can see where it makes sense to not show just how weak and fragile Biden is on one or more of our national and global networks. We have enemies around the world and having a president with the kinds of deficits that we see with Biden would be to invite trouble. Case in point: The invasion of Ukraine by Russia. I'm assuming that what I see on our domestic airwaves from the likes of CNN is what CNN is selling around the globe. I could be wrong about that. The same is probably true of FOX coverage although I don't know that FOX has the kind of a reach internationally that CNN has. At the end of the day, all politics is local. How you view it and what you end up believing depends on what you choose to watch.

I've got to hand it to Governor DeSantis in Florida. He took on Disney and their woke culture and he beat them at their own game. It's good to see these woke corporate fucks take one on the chin for a change. Disney pushed back against legislation that they loved to refer to as the "Don't say gay" bill. It was nothing of the kind but they decided to bow to their LGBTQ employees and push back against everything that the legislation was trying to accomplish anyway. Just so we're clear, it was legislation to make sure that Florida's first and second graders weren't exposed to any discussion of sex and gender issues in the classroom. The good news is, the Florida legislature voted yesterday to remove a special status that Disney has long enjoyed going back to the sixties. The executives at Disney must be scratching their heads this morning wondering why they ever took up this fight.

The Florida legislature also voted on a gerrymandering plan yesterday by DeSantis which ended up giving Florida 3 or 4 additional republican congressional seats at the expense of a couple of black militant congress people. Good for them. You should have seen the black legislators taking to the floor with all their pissing and moaning about losing the seats to the republicans. I think the end result was that Florida republicans will now have a 20-4 advantage in republican districts. This is how you do it, republicans. If you're listening, pay attention to what DeSantis is doing in Florida. And, believe you me, if the democrats had the same opportunity, they would be doing precisely what the republicans have done. All they have left now is to file their little lawsuits to see if the courts will weigh in on their behalf. It's probably too late to change anything even if they win a reprieve.

I saw this video yesterday of three cops collaring a ten-year old black kid for pinching a bag of potato chips. I'm not sure where it all happened but that was hardly the issue. You could hear a couple of adults in the background yelling at the police for nabbing the kid for what they perceived to be a minor transgression as transgressions go. It didn't look to me like they were manhandling him but he ended up in the back of the patrol car and where it went from there I'm not sure. You would think it was George Floyd all over again. You know, with the knee on the back of the neck and all the rest. It was nothing of the sort, of course, although it might have seemed a bit heavy handed for stealing or attempting to steal bag of chips. Would a ten-year old white kid have been handled the same way? Maybe, and maybe not. Let's see what kind of sentence he receives and we can revisit this issue. Spoiler alert: There will be no sentence.

The missus works on occasion with a person in another state. They do much of their work long distance. Every so often, the missus will make the trip and work with her person face to face. She'll get calls every so often when she's working from home where her person is having computer trouble with this or that and she's hard pressed to help him because she can't see what he's seeing and he doesn't do a very good job of describing the problem he's having. Maybe he's moved or renamed a document and he can no longer locate it. Maybe he's trying to open a document but the document will no longer cooperate. Maybe he can open the document but he can't change any of the text. You see where I'm going with all of this. Working long distance can be difficult.

Back in the day I used to work with an application called Timbuktu. It allowed me to locally access and control a computer in another location. I'm thinking that this is precisely what the missus needs to help expedite the requests of her "client" when he calls on her to lend a hand. I've been looking around for an application like Timbuktu and have found a lot of like-applications but now I worry about the missus's ability to go to her clients home, install the application, and work through the issues required to make it all work. I'm thinking I'll see if I can't have my brother-from-another-mother demo this little puppy, once I decide which one to use, and the missus can look over my shoulder while we're going through the motions. Let me run this by the missus and I'll see what she thinks. It could be the bees knees.

It was another tough day in the financial markets yesterday. It looks they are starting to come for the big boys. I'm talking about the Amazons, the Googles, the Tesla's, the Apples, etc. When the NASDAQ has a 500 point swing from the highs of the day to the lows of the day you know something is up. April is supposed to be a good month for the markets but it has been quite the opposite. It's almost as though the fed heads are wanting to suppress demand with the language that they're using. I suppose that's one way of reeling in inflation rates. With mortgage rates now above 5%, you have to feel for folks whose monthly payments are spiking due to the increase in rates. Prices at the pump aren't easing at all and that is taking a huge bite out of anyone who has any discretionary income left. Would things be any better if we had a president with approval ratings in something besides the thirties?

I watched a little bit of Marjorie Taylor Greene on the witness stand in Georgia yesterday. She's on trial for allegedly violating the 14th amendment to the Constitution that supposedly says something about insurrectionists not being able to run for political office. It's a stretch to say that she was even involved in the January 6th so-called insurrection in our nation's capitol since she was one of many congressmen who were in the building but tucked away while the riot was underway in another part of the building. Some loathsome democrat unearthed this strategy of theirs to prevent republican congressmen from running for re-election for their involvement in the "insurrection" but it's not going to work. The good people of Georgia will decided Ms. Green's fate and that is the way it should be. Full stop.

Did it irritate the hell out of me to watch this scumbag of an attorney working for the democrats try to get under her skin? You bet your ass it did. He went through tweet after tweet of Marjorie being Marjorie and some of it wasn't the least bit flattering. She stood by her convictions about the 2020 election being stolen and she didn't back away from any of her caustic remarks about Nancy Pelosi who is the current Speaker of the House in Congress. It just so happens that most God loving Americans with any sense of history find Nancy Pelosi to be about as despicable a human being as they come and referring to her as a "traitor" to our American ideals is not a stretch by any measure. I didn't get a chance to watch it all but what I did see hardly warranted what the democrats are trying to do to her and, to a lesser extent, the constituents she represents in the great state of Georgia. God love her!